Examples of Aggregate hours in a sentence
Step 1 Aggregate hours of employment converted to years of service based on 1000 hours equal to one (1) year.
Aggregate hours worked are 0.29 (approx- imately 1445 hours per year), and the employment rate is 76.1%-both consistent with the data.
Aggregate hours worked in OECD countries: New measurement and implications for business cycles.
In MISO’s “The February Artic Event” report, MISO reviewed the extreme weather event from February 2021.113 MISO concluded that “[w]hile MISO’s robust grid, along with its ability to import power from outside of the region, resulted in relatively limited impacts during the Arctic Event, MISO needs to continue evolving its transmission system in response to the changing resource mix and evolving grid.
In addition, if a household is a single family that the grantee determined met the income requirement foreligibility under ERA1, the grantee may consider the household to be eligible under ERA2, unless the grantee becomes aware of any reason the household does not meet the requirements for ERA2.
Aggregate hours worked in excess of fifty-three (53) hours in a single workweek shall be compensated at time and one-half of the Bargaining Unit Member’s base forty (40) hour rate.
Aggregate hours by plan type were collapsed for each schedule and size to get total hours for each schedule by the 3 plan types.
Please indicate whether the project will directly or indirectly impact the measure.• Student Success/Internship rubric criteria• Number of students used/served.• Percentage (instead of raw numbers) of contractors/ subcontractors engaging students.• Contractor/subcontractor satisfaction.• Student satisfaction.• Quality of work• Aggregate hours worked.
First, we set v = 0.6 and the persistence of total factor production, g = 0.9. Next, we choose a relatively low wage-elasticity of labor supply, at least when compared to values often used in macroeconomic research, setting g = 2.5. Aggregate hours worked in the steady-state are chosen3to be approximately 1of time, which requires η = 2.7. We maintain all other parameters of theendowment model studied in this section, where transfer costs are drawn from a beta distribution.
Aggregate hours are normalized by working age population (16+) and reported per week.