Examples of AGGRESSIVE SAMPLING in a sentence
AGGRESSIVE SAMPLING - after a thorough visual inspection, and prior to air monitoring, all floors, ceilings, and walls shall be blown with a (1 1/20 horsepower leaf blower.
AGGRESSIVE SAMPLING - after a thorough visual inspection, and prior to air monitoring, all floors, ceilings, and walls shall be blown with a (1 1/20 horsepower leaf blower.
Invasive species means an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.
Invasive plant species means species of plants not historically found in California that spread outside cultivated areas and can damage environmental or economic resources. Invasive species may be regulated by county agricultural agencies as noxious species. Lists of invasive plants are maintained at the California Invasive Plant Inventory and USDA invasive and noxious weeds database.
Cannabinoid edible means food or potable liquid into which a cannabinoid concentrate, cannabinoid extract or dried marijuana leaves or flowers have been incorporated.
Screening means the process to determine whether the person seeking assistance needs further comprehensive assessment.
Acute toxicity means concurrent and delayed adverse effects that result from an acute exposure and occur within any short observation period, which begins when the exposure begins, may extend beyond the exposure period, and usually does not constitute a substantial portion of the life span of the organism.
Encapsulant means a substance that forms a barrier between lead-based paint and the environment using a liquid-applied coating (with or without reinforcement materials) or an adhesively bonded covering material.
Sampling means the distribution of samples to members of the general public in a public place.
Aquatic invasive species means any invasive, prohibited,
Progressive discipline means a process of applying and documenting disciplinary actions progressing from less to more serious depending on the employee’s history and the nature of the offense.
Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.
Assay means a laboratory analysis of Crude Petroleum to include the following: A.P.I. Gravity, Reid vapor pressure, composition, pour point, water and sediment content, sulfur content, viscosity, distillation, hydrogen sulfide, flash/boiling point and other characteristics as may be required by Carrier.
Biomethane means biogas that meets pipeline quality natural gas standards.
Adolescent means a Medicaid patient 17 years or younger.
Cannabidiol means a finished preparation containing, of its total cannabinoid content, at least 98 percent cannabidiol and not more than 0.90 percent tetrahydrocannabinol by volume that has been extracted from marijuana or synthesized in a laboratory.
Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.
Oppressive State means: Tibet Autonomous Region and the Provinces of Ado, Kham and U-Tsang
Cannabinoid means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents of marijuana.
HCD means the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Health screening means the use of one or more diagnostic tools to test a person for the presence or precursors of a particular disease.
Animal means any nonhuman animate being endowed with the power of voluntary action.
Anaerobic digestion ’ means a controlled process involving microbial decomposition of organic matter in the absence of oxygen ;
genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Biomass means the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from biological origin from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste;
Stability means structural stability.
Grab sample means an individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes in conjunction with an instantaneous flow measurement.
Testing means that element of inspection that determines the properties or elements, including functional operation of materials, equipment, or their components, by the application of established scientific principles and procedures.