Agitation definition
Examples of Agitation in a sentence
Agitation during transportation shall be at the agitation speed designated by the manufacturer.
Agitation by this foreigner, who has lost his mind, turns the ideas and views on the “matter of Russian freedom” completely around; he constantly speaks about English-style humanitarianism and has given powerful impetus to the revolutionary movement abroad.
Agitation must be maintained during filling and application operations to ensure that this product is evenly mixed with the fertilizer.
Vertical Surfaces:• Carpet Cleaning by Extraction, Agitation and Shampoo.Walls (all finishes), front of cubicle at reception desk, doors, door frames, moldings, wall base, signage, and window sills shall be clean and free of debris.
The Propaganda and Agitation Department also engages in or is responsible for censorship by the Government of the DPRK, including newspaper and broadcast censorship.
Scales such as the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale, Pasero, Ramsey, or Glasgow Coma Scale are useful in assessing sedation.
The Propaganda and Agitation Department has full control over the media, which it uses as a tool to control the public on behalf of the DPRK leadership.
SERVICES IDENTIFIED AS ROUTINE CARE FOR CARPET• Vacuum• Spot Cleaning includes gum removal• Edge Vacuum• Carpet Cleaning by Extraction, Agitation and Shampoo.
Irritant, Dizziness, Dizziness, Anaesthetic state, Agitation, Spasms, Inebriation, Vomiting, Headache, Impairment of visionRepeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.
Causes damage to organs.Organs affected:Liver and kidney damage eyesheartFurther informationIrritant, Dizziness, Dizziness, Anaesthetic state, Agitation, Spasms, Inebriation, Vomiting, Headache, Impairment of visionRepeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.