agreed services means scheduled international air services on the route(s) specified in the Annex to this Agreement for the transport of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail;
Detailed telecommunications billing service means an ancillary service of separately stating information pertaining to individual calls on a customer's billing statement.
IntraLATA LEC Toll means IntraLATA Toll traffic carried solely by a Local Exchange Carrier and not by an IXC. "IntraLATA Toll Traffic" describes IntraLATA Traffic outside the Local Calling Area.
Advertising Services means the advertising services selected on the front pages of this Agreement.
Operational Services the operational services described as such in the Services Description;
Standard fertility preservation services means procedure based upon current evidence-based standards of care established by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the American Society for Clinical Oncology, or other national medical associations that follow current evidence-based standards of care.
Local public procurement unit means any political subdivision or unit thereof which expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, or construction.
Information Service is the offering of a capability for generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information via Telecommunications, and includes electronic publishing, but does not include any use of any such capability for the management, control, or operation of a Telecommunications system or the management of a Telecommunications Service.
Video lottery terminal sales agent means a lottery sales agent licensed under Chapter 3770. of the ORC to conduct video lottery terminals on behalf of the state pursuant to Section 3770.21 of the ORC.
Construction Services means either of the following for construction-manager-at-risk, design-build and job-order-contracting project delivery methods:
Finished Services means complete end-to-end services offered by Qwest to wholesale customers or retail End User Customers. Finished Services do not include Unbundled Network Elements or combinations of Unbundled Network Elements. Finished Services include Access Services, private lines, retail services, and resold services.
Basic generation service or "BGS" means electric generation
Preconstruction services means services and other activities during the design phase.
Generation Service means the sale of electricity, including ancillary services such as the provision of reserves, to a Customer by a Competitive Supplier.
Market Monitoring Unit means the consulting or other professional services firm, or other similar entity, retained by the Board, as specified in Section 30.4.2 of Attachment O, that is responsible for carrying out the Core Market Monitoring Functions and the other functions that are assigned to it in Attachment O. The Market Monitoring Unit shall recommend Tariff and market rule changes, but shall not participate in the administration of the ISO’s Tariffs, except as specifically authorized in Attachment O.
Reference Interconnection Offer or “RIO” means a document published by a service provider specifying terms and conditions on which the other service provider may seek interconnection with such service provider;
Maritime cargo handling services means activities exercised by stevedore companies, including terminal operators, but not including the direct activities of dockers, when this workforce is organised independently of the stevedoring or terminal operator companies. The activities covered include the organisation and supervision of:
Adult motion picture theater means an enclosed building with a capacity of fifty (50) or more persons regularly used for presenting materials having as a dominant theme or presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" as defined below, for observation by any means by patrons therein.
flight information service means a service provided for the purpose of giving advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights;
external engineering service means an engineering service situated outside the boundaries of a land area and that is necessary to serve the use and development of the land area;
Multiphase professional services contract means a contract for the providing of professional
Construction Service Agreement means either an Interconnection Construction Service Agreement or an Upgrade Construction Service Agreement.
Interconnection Service(s) means any Interconnection, Resale Services, 251(c)(3) UNEs, Collocation, functions, facilities, products or services offered under this Agreement.
Hosted Services means the hosting, management and operation of the computing hardware, ancillary equipment, Software, firmware, data, other services (including support services), and related resources for remote electronic access and use by the State and its Authorized Users, including any services and facilities related to disaster recovery obligations.
Information Services means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Market Access System; or, such other services providing information with respect to called municipal obligations as the District may specify in writing to the Paying Agent or as the Paying Agent may select.
FIRM PROCUREMENT means the agreement between the parties for mutually agreed terms and conditions with commitment of Quantity Ordered.