Witness Signature Witness Name:
E-Signature means the process of attaching to or logically associating with an Electronic Transmission an electronic symbol, encryption, digital signature or process (including the name or an abbreviation of the name of the party transmitting the Electronic Transmission) with the intent to sign, authenticate or accept such Electronic Transmission.
Your Signature (Sign exactly as your name appears on the face of this Note)
Digital Signature means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3;
Contract Signature Page(s) means the State of Utah cover page(s) that the State Entity and Contractor sign.
Electronic Signature means an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to, or associated with, a contract or other record and adopted by a person with the intent to sign, authenticate or accept such contract or record.
advanced electronic signature means an electronic signature which meets the following requirements:
the First Variation Agreement means the agreement a copy of which is set forth in the Second Schedule;
Formation Agreement has the meaning attributed to it in Recital A;
Reaffirmation Agreement means the Reaffirmation Agreement dated as of the Closing Date by the Borrower and the Guarantors to the Administrative Agent for the benefit of the Secured Parties.
Electronic Signatures means any electronic symbol or process attached to, or associated with, any contract or other record and adopted by a person with the intent to sign, authenticate or accept such contract or record.
Variation Agreement means the agreement a copy of which is set out in Schedule 2;
Electronic Tracking Agreement means an Electronic Tracking Agreement among Buyer, Seller, MERS and MERSCORP, Inc., to the extent applicable.
the Variation Agreement means the agreement a copy of which is set out in Schedule 2.
Facsimile signature means a reproduction by engraving, imprinting, stamping, or other means of the manual signature of an authorized officer.
Fascia Sign means a sign attached to, marked or inscribed on, erected or placed against a wall forming part of a building, or supported by or through a wall of a building and having the exposed face thereof on a plane approximately parallel to the plane of such wall and includes a painted wall sign and an awning sign. A fascia sign shall not include any other sign defined in this By-law unless otherwise stated;
Affiliation Agreement means a written agreement between the governing authority of the program and another organization under the terms of which specified services, space or personnel are provided to one organization by the other, but without exchange of moneys.
Signature means a tangible symbol or an electronic signature that evidences the signing of a record.
Conciliation agreement means a written agreement setting forth the resolution of the issues in conciliation.
Substitution Agreement means the substitution agreement, substantially in the form set forth in the Schedules as entered into/ proposed to be entered into between the Authority, Developer, and the Lenders in relation to the substitution of the Developer with the Nominated Company in accordance with the Agreement;
Signature Document means the document executed by both Parties that specifically sets forth all of the documents that constitute the Contract.
Assignment of Management Agreement means the Assignment of Management Agreement and Subordination of Management Fees, dated the same date as this Loan Agreement, among Borrower, Lender and Property Manager, including all schedules, riders, allonges and addenda, as such Assignment of Management Agreement may be amended from time to time, and any future Assignment of Management Agreement and Subordination of Management Fees executed in accordance with Section 6.09(d).
Implementation Agreement means the Implementation Agreement dated ……… by and between the GOB, PGCB and the Company in connection with the Project, and also includes any amendment of it made from time to time;
Addendum and Assignment Agreement The Addendum and Assignment Agreement, dated as of January 31, 1995, between MLCC and the Master Servicer.
Residency Agreement means the written, legally enforceable agreement between a facility and an individual, or legal representative receiving services in a residential setting.
Delegation Agreement means any separate agreement entered into between the Custodian and the Fund or its authorized representative with respect to certain matters concerning the appointment and administration of Subcustodians delegated to the Custodian pursuant to Rule 17f-5 under the 1940 Act.