Agricultural labor definition

Agricultural labor means any remunerated service performed:
Agricultural labor means the planting, cultivating, or harvesting of an agricultural or horticultural commodity in its unmanufactured state.
Agricultural labor means all services performed on a farm or ranch in connection with cultivating the soil or in connection with raising or harvesting any agricultural or horticultural commodity, including the raising, shearing, feeding, caring for, training, and management of livestock, bees, poultry, and fur-bearing animals and wildlife.

Examples of Agricultural labor in a sentence

  • Agricultural labor housing standardsThe bureau shall adopt rules for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the agricultural laborers and their families who occupy housing provided, owned or controlled by their employers.

  • Agricultural labor housing may not be brought within this exception simply by offering lodging to the general public.

  • Agricultural labor" means agricultural labor as defined in the Employment Security Law, chapter 13.[PL 1997, c.

  • Agricultural labor, skilled and unskilled, is mobile between agricultural sectors, just as nonagricultural labor is mobile between nonagricultural sectors, excluding the oil and public sectors where all factors are fixed.A summary of key parameters and shares for the model in the baseline year of 2001 is provided in Table 1.

  • Agricultural labor force was used as a proxy for availability of labor due to its fair reflection of labor per unit area in a given country, and due to lack of proper documentation of farm hands in the rice sub-sector.

More Definitions of Agricultural labor

Agricultural labor means any remunerated service performed after December 31, 1971:
Agricultural labor means remunerated service performed:
Agricultural labor means all services performed on a farm or ranch in connection with cultivating
Agricultural labor means all services performed:
Agricultural labor means any remunerated service
Agricultural labor means field labor associated with the cultivation and harvest of fruits and vegetables and work performed in processing fruits and vegetables for market.
Agricultural labor means as defined in Section 41‑27‑120.