Examples of Air Basin in a sentence
Special standards for ozone, CO, and visibility apply in the Lake Tahoe Air Basin portion of the County; or • Emissions of toxic air contaminants cause cancer risk greater than 1 in 1 million (10 in 1 million if best available control technology for toxics is used) or a non-cancer Hazard Index greater than 1.
Development in the City and the Sacramento Valley Air Basin as a whole will result in the following: violations of air quality standards as a result of short-term emissions from construction projects, increases in criteria air pollutants from operational air pollutants and exposure to toxic air contaminants, the generation of odors and a cumulative contribution to regional air quality impacts.
Regional air quality is determined by the release of pollutants throughout the Air Basin.
Estimates of the existing emissions in the Air Basin provided in the 2012 AQMP, indicate that collectively, mobile sources account for 59 percent of the VOC, 88 percent of the NOx emissions and 40 percent of directly emitted PM2.5, with another 10 percent of PM2.5 from road dust.
The Air Basin is located on a coastal plain with connecting broad valleys and low hills to the east.
Regionally, the Air Basin is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the southwest and high mountains to the east forming the inland perimeter.
The SCAQMD CEQA Handbook states that any project in the Air Basin with daily emissions that exceed any of the identified significance thresholds should be considered as having an individually and cumulatively significant air quality impact.
Specifically, the General Plan EIR found that buildout of the Rocklin General Plan and other development within the Sacramento Valley Air Basin (SVAB) as a whole will result in the following: violations of air quality standards as a result of short-term emissions from construction projects, increases in criteria air pollutants from operational air pollutants and exposure to toxic air contaminants, the generation of odors and a cumulative contribution to regional air quality impacts.
Many air quality impacts that derive from dispersed mobile sources, which are the dominate pollution generators in the Air Basin, often occurs hours later and miles away after photochemical processes have converted primary exhaust pollutants into secondary contaminants such as ozone.
Air pollution remains a significant public health concern in many parts of California, and specifically in the South Coast Air Basin (Basin).