Air kerma rate definition
Examples of Air kerma rate in a sentence
Air kerma rate and image quality of fluoroscopic units, 1996–2000.
Pei are with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, Suzhou 215123, China (e-mail: Zhenzhen.jiang;; mark.leach; enggee.lim;;
Air kerma rate and ambient dose equivalent rate for 2003 The uncertainties given in parentheses represent the combined standard uncertainty of each value.
Air kerma rate decreased as the x-ray tube rotated around the phantom, reaching a minimum when the source was farthest from the dosimeter (approximately 230°).
Air kerma rate constant for some radionuclide considering photon energy above 20 keVdiscrete photon line with yield per decay event >0.01 % and starting with energy of 0.03174 MeV as the delta value.
Include any other information that could help to establish the experience and competence of the applicant to pursue the proposed project.D. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN & METHODS This section should not exceed ten (10) pages.
A majority of the Board of Directors shall be necessary at all ------ meetings to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.