Allocation Procedure definition
Examples of Allocation Procedure in a sentence
No Request has been submitted and the Allocation Procedure is interrupted due to a lack of interest from the market.
Non-acceptance shall cause the impossibility to gain the access to the Portal.The Participant shall submit their Requests and Bids on the basis of the procedure described in the Participant Manual (as defined below).Participant warrants that the Requests and the Bids will be submitted by an authorized representative of Participant.Besides Participant, only the person(s) entrusted by FluxSwiss with the performance of Allocation Procedure shall have access to the Portal.
The following rules and regulations also apply to Allocation Procedure.The Participants take part in Allocation Procedure, connecting via Internet to the Allocation Procedure web-site (hereinafter the “Portal”) powered by Fluxys, address
If either the information required is not given or it is erroneously given or the operating Procedure are not observed, it will not be possible for Participant to participate in Allocation Procedure.During Allocation Procedure the Participant can contact the helpdesk for technical assistance at the numbers published on the Portal.
The Participants shall send their Requests and Bids electronically in accordance with the following Procedure.General RulesThe Participant’s acceptance of these rules and regulations, to be given in the Application Form, allows the Participant to participate in the Allocation Procedure.The acceptance of these Allocation Procedure Terms must also be given on-line at each login.
The Participants shall send their Requests and Bids electronically in accordance with the following procedures.General RulesThe Participant’s acceptance of these rules and regulations, to be given in the Application Form, allows the Participant to participate in the Allocation Procedure.The acceptance of these Allocation Procedure Terms must also be given on-line at each login.
Carryover Allocation Procedure: Applicants receiving a Reservation Certificate will be notified of the requirements to apply for an allocation of tax credits at the time of the reservation.
If either the information required is not given or it is erroneously given or the operating procedures are not observed, it will not be possible for Participant to participate in Allocation Procedure.During Allocation Procedure the Participant can contact the helpdesk for technical assistance at the numbers published on the Portal.
If either the information required is not given or it is erroneously given or the operating procedures are not observed, it will not be possible for Participant to participate in Allocation Procedure.During Allocation Procedure the Participant can contact the helpdesk for technicalassistance at the numbers published on the Portal.
The following rules and regulations also apply to Allocation Procedure.The Participants take part in Allocation Procedure, connecting via Internet to the AllocationProcedure web-site (hereinafter the “Portal”) powered by Fluxys, address