Examples of Allowance transfer in a sentence
When recording the al- location of CAIR NOX allowances for a CAIR NOX unit in a compliance ac- count, the Administrator will assign each CAIR NOX allowance a unique identification number that will include digits identifying the year of the con- trol period for which the CAIR NOX al- lowance is allocated.§ 97.154 Compliance with CAIR NOX emissions limitation.(a) Allowance transfer deadline.
When recording the allocation of CAIR NOX allowances for a CAIR NOX unit in a compliance account, the Administrator will assign each CAIR NOX allowance a unique identification number that will include digits identifying the year of the control period for which the CAIR NOX allowance is allocated.§ 97.154 Compliance with CAIR NOX emissions limitation.(a) Allowance transfer deadline.
If VEPCO elects to make an annual surrender directly to EPA, VEPCO shall, on or before March 31, 2013, and on or before March 31 of each year thereafter, submit SO2 Allowance transfer request forms to EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation’s Clean Air Markets Division directing the transfer of 45,000 SO2 Allowances held or controlled by VEPCO to the EPA Enforcement Surrender Account or to any other EPA Account to which the EPA may direct.
Allowance transfer information must be submitted once for each transfer; a certificate of representation needs to be submitted only once, at the same time as the opt-in application.
Allowance transfer deadline means, for a control period, midnight of March 1 (if it is a business day), or midnight of the first business day thereafter (if March 1 is not a business day), immediately following the control period and is the deadline by which a CAIR SO2 allowance transfer must be submitted for recordation in a CAIR SO2source's compliance account in order to be used to meet the source's CAIR SO2emissions limitation for such control period in accordance with § 97.254.
Such Allowance transfer requests may be made in an electronic manner using the U.S. EPA’s Clean Air Markets Division Business System, or similar system provided by U.S. EPA.
Instruction contained in the OM are related to carry forward of leave and LTC, Pay Protection, seniority, retention of Lien, Joining Time, Travelling Allowance, transfer of service book etc.
Allowance transfer deadline means, for a control period, midnight of March 1, if it is a business day, or, if March 1 is not a business day, midnight of the first business day thereafter immediately following the control period and is the deadline by which a CAIR SO2 allowance transfer must be submitted for recordation in a CAIR SO2 source’s compliance account in order to be used to meet the source's CAIR SO2 emissions limitation for such control period in accordance with § 96.254.
They also need to make payments (labour income taxes, purchases of net new government bonds) to government by way of deposits, and government, once it has received these deposits, needs to use them to make payments to firms (government consumption) and households (interest on government debt).24 Once households and government have paid firms for their newly produced commodities, all circulating deposits have returned to firms and firms repay their loans in full.
Subsequently, the receipt of the Moving Cost Allowance transfer, signed by the fellow, in a format to be provided by FAPESP, must be submitted in SAGe (FAPESP's online system).Reimbursement of the fellow’s and their dependents' tickets may be requested.