Alternative emission limitation definition

Alternative emission limitation means conditions established pursuant to Sections 112(i)(5) or 112(i)(6) of the Act by the Department.
Alternative emission limitation means conditions estab- lished pursuant to section 112 (i) (5) or (6) of the act (42 USC 7412
Alternative emission limitation means conditions established pursuant to sections 112(i)(5) or 112(i)(6) of the Act by the EPA or the Administrator.

Examples of Alternative emission limitation in a sentence

  • Alternative emission limitation means conditions established pursuant to sections 112(i)(5) or 112(i)(6) of the Act by the Administrator or by a State with an approved permit program.

  • Alternative emission limitation means conditions established pursuant to sections 112(i)(5) or 112(i)(6) of the Actby the Administrator or by a State with an approved permit program.

  • In such cases, the permitting au- thority shall require that the owner or operator operate the unit in compli- ance with the applicable emission limi- tation in § 76.5, 76.6, or 76.7 for the pe- riod preceding the submission of the application for an alternative emission limitation demonstration period, in- cluding the operating period, if such periods are after the date on which the unit is subject to the standard limit under § 76.5, 76.6, or 76.7.(2) Alternative emission limitation.

  • Alternative emission limitation means conditions established pursuant to sections 112(i)(5) or112(i)(6) of the Actby the Administrator or by a State with an approved permit program.

  • S ShOwN IN ThE ExAMplES fROM U.S. hISTORy,immigrants provide the state with ample excuse to expand, especially in times of geopolitical and domestic crisis.

More Definitions of Alternative emission limitation

Alternative emission limitation means an emission limitation that applies to a source during some but not all periods of normal operation (e.g., applies only during a specifically defined mode of operation such as startup, shutdown, or maintenance). An alternative emission limitation is a component of a continuous allowable emission limitation, and it may take the form of a control measure such as a design, equipment, work practice or operational standard (whether or not a numerical emission limitation exists).
Alternative emission limitation means an emis- sion limitation that applies to a source or an emissions unit only during a specifically defined transient mode of opera- tion. An alternative emission limitation is a component of a continuously applicable emission limit. An alternative emis- sion limit may be a numerical limit or a design characteristic of the emission unit and associated emission controls, work practices, or other operational standard, such as a control device operating range.
Alternative emission limitation means an emission limitation that applies to a source during some but not all periods of normal operation (e.g., applies only during a specifically defined mode of operation such as startup, shutdown, or maintenance). An alternative emission limitation is a component
Alternative emission limitation means an emission limita­ tion that applies to a source or an emissions unit only during a spe­ cifically defined transient mode of operation. An alternative emission limitation is a component of a continuously applicable emission limit. An alternative emission limit may be a numerical limit or a design characteristic of the emission unit and associated emission controls, work practices, or other operational standard, such as a control de­ vice operating range.
Alternative emission limitation means conditions estab- lished pursuant to section 112 (i) (5) or (6) of the act (42 USC 7412 (i) (5) or (6)) by the department.
Alternative emission limitation means conditions established pursuant to § 112(i)(5) or § 112(i)(6) of the federal Clean Air Act by the administrator or the board.
Alternative emission limitation means an emission limitation, other than an emission limitation under 326 IAC 10-2-2, established for the ozone control period in an emission averaging plan under 326 IAC 10-2-3.