Angling definition
Examples of Angling in a sentence
The purpose of the document is to ensure that the performance expected of the Cayman Islands Angling Club is clearly understood and agreed by both parties.
The Angling category quota includes the amount of school BFT held in reserve under paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section.
BFT may be taken by persons aboard vessels issued Atlantic Tunas permits, HMS Angling permits, or HMS Charter/ Headboat permits.
The remaining baseline annual U.S. BFT quota will be allocated among the General, Angling, Harpoon, Purse Seine, Longline, Trap, and Reserve categories.
The owner of a vessel permitted, or required to be permitted in the Atlantic HMS Angling or Atlan- tic HMS Charter/Headboat category under § 635.4 must report the catch of all bluefin tuna discarded dead and/or retained under the Angling category quota designated at § 635.27(a) through the NMFS electronic catch reporting system within 24 hours of the landing.