Annexation Ordinance definition
Examples of Annexation Ordinance in a sentence
Therefore, compliance with the applicable Comprehensive Plan policies ensures compliance with the Annexation Ordinance.
The legal description of the subject property is as set forth in the Annexation Ordinance and exhibits attached to the Annexation Ordinance to which this Service Plan is attached.
The legal description of the subject property is as set forth in the Annexation Ordinance and exhibits attached to the Annexation Ordinance to which this Agreement is attached.
All Annexations shall conform to the requirements of the Lebanon Municipal Code, Annexation Ordinance, Lebanon Land Development Ordinance (i.e., Development Code), City of Lebanon/Linn County Urban Growth Management Agreement and shall be consistent with applicable State law.
Section 16.26.060 contains the decision criteria for an annexation with specific requirements in Section 16.26.060.A. This Section requires compliance with provisions in the City Annexation Ordinance and Lebanon Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 3 – Urbanization.
Essentially, the Annexation Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan decision criteria are the same.
Comprehensive Plan Annexation Policy #P-19: [The City shall] recognize and act on the basis that all annexations shall conform to the requirements of the Lebanon Municipal Code, Annexation Ordinance, Lebanon Land Development Ordinance, City of Lebanon/Linn County Urban Growth Management Agreement (UGMA), and shall be consistent with applicable State law.
The legal description of the subject property is as set forth in exhibits attached to the Annexation Ordinance to which this Service Plan is attached.
FINDING: The application site is located within the City of Lebanon Urban Growth Boundary and is contiguous with city limits, therefore eligible for annexation per the Annexation Ordinance, and the Municipal and Development Codes.
In the event the Annexation Ordinance or any portion thereof is voided by the final action of any court, this Agreement and all provisions contained herein shall be null and void and of no further effect unless the parties agree in writing to ratify the Agreement and seek to cure the legal defect(s) that resulted in the court action.