Approved Institutions definition

Approved Institutions means building societies and other institutions approved as required by subclause (3) of clause sixteen of the scheduled agreement;
Approved Institutions means institutions located in Near-Neighbour or International Partner Countries which participation to a COST Action has been approved by the Action MC, the relevant Domain Committee and JAF.
Approved Institutions means those institutions of higher education approved by the Minister;

Examples of Approved Institutions in a sentence

  • The Fund shall be responsible for having the appropriate Custodian transfer a sufficient amount of cash to a dividend disbursement account maintained by the Fund for the relevant Series against which the Transfer Agent shall cause checks, ACH or federal funds wire payment to be drawn to the order of such shareholders or Approved Institutions in payment of the dividend.

  • Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute any agreement or representation by the Transfer Agent to permit, or to agree to permit, any Approved Institution to input information into the System, although the Transfer Agent may, with the Fund's written permission, permit access to the System by an Approved Institution to retrieve data or information as to such Approved Institution's accounts.

  • List of approved institutions as on 31.3.2014 is placed at Annexure 5.1. Details of the activities undertaken during the year are given below:Disability-wise/Batch-wise Status of Approved Institutions Offering Certificate/Diploma Courses as on 31st March, 2014 Sr. No.DisabilityCertificate/Diploma*Batches denotes number of Courses offered.

  • Dashboard gives statistical information of all AICTE Approved Institutions in India.

  • Rehabilitation Council of India27thAnnual Report 2013-14 Disability-wise/Batch-wise Status of Approved Institutions Offering Degree/Master's Degree/P.G. Diploma Courses as on 31st March, 2014 Sr. No.Disability*Batches denotes number of Courses offered.State-wise Status of Institutions as on 31st March, 2014 Sr.No.StateContd.

More Definitions of Approved Institutions

Approved Institutions means independent first-rate banks or other financial institutions regulated by the corresponding government authorities or self-regulating organisations in accordance with the applicable law as shall be agreed by the Shareholders;
Approved Institutions means as defined in the Gujarat University of Transplantation Sciences Act, 2015.
Approved Institutions means an institution of Technical Education approved by the University/State Government;”
Approved Institutions means institutions located in Near-Neighbour or International Partner Countries which participation to a COST Action has been approved by the Action MC, the Scientific Committee and Executive Board.
Approved Institutions means the United States headquarters or a United States branch of the following financial institutions: (i) any branch or affiliate of Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association with the power to act as
Approved Institutions means the United States headquarters or a United States branch of the following financial institutions: (i) any branch or affiliate of BankAmerica International with the power to act as Trustee or (ii) any other bank, trust company or financial institution (in each case with trust powers) which (1) has a net worth in excess of $100,000,000.00 or (2) has outstanding debt securities rated A or better by Standard and Poor's Rating Group or its equivalent by Moody's Investors Service 5 or another nationally recognized rating agency in the United States.
Approved Institutions means a hospital, health centre or other such institution in which a person may undergo training, if any, required by his course of study before the award of any medical qualification in respect of the Ayurvedic or Unani Systems of medicine or Naturopathy;