Argos DCS definition
Examples of Argos DCS in a sentence
Government user means agencies of international governmental or- ganizations, national government or any other subdivision thereof, or any of those agencies’contractors or grantees, so long as the con- tractor is using the data collected by the Argos DCS to fulfill its con- tractual obligations to the government agency or in the case of a grantee, that these data are being used in accordance with the Statement of Work for the Award.
Environmental use means the use of the Argos DCS for the collec- tion of environmental data that: 1) relate to the characteristics of the Earth and its natural phenomena by helping to better under- stand, evaluate or monitor its natural resources; or 2) relate to the characteristics of the Earth and its environment (including its ecosystems and the species which inhabit them) by helping to pro- tect against any unreasonable adverse effects thereto.
No/Non Episodic use means the use of the Argos DCS for short events where there is a significant possibility of loss of life, such as for polar ex- peditions or scientific campaigns into remote areas.