Asbestos waste generator definition

Asbestos waste generator means any person performing an asbestos abatement project, the owner or operator of a demolition or renovation activity, or any owner or operator of a source or facility subject to OAR 340-248-0005 through 248- 0290 0280 whose act or process generates asbestos-containing waste material.
Asbestos waste generator means any person performing an asbestos abatement project or any owner or operator of a source subject to 43-010 and 43-015-1 through 43-015-20 whose act or process generates asbestos-containing waste material.
Asbestos waste generator means any owner or operator of a source covered by 40 CFR 61.140 through 61.157, whose act or process produces asbestos-containing waste material.

More Definitions of Asbestos waste generator

Asbestos waste generator means any owner or operator of a source covered by the Code of Federal Regulations (CPR), Title 40, Part 61 (40 CPR 61), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), Subpart M, National Emission Standard for Asbestos whose act or process produces asbestos- containing waste material.

Related to Asbestos waste generator

  • Waste generator means and includes every person or group of persons or institutions, residential, and commercial establishments including Indian Railways, Airport, Port and Harbour and Defense establishments, places of worship which generate plastic waste ;

  • Waste pile means any non-containerized accumulation of solid, non-flowing waste that is used for treatment or storage.

  • Chemical Storage Facility means a building, portion of a building, or exterior area adjacent to a building used for the storage of any chemical or chemically reactive products.

  • Hazardous Waste Management Facility means, as defined in NCGS 130A, Article 9, a facility for the collection, storage, processing, treatment, recycling, recovery, or disposal of hazardous waste.

  • Waste tire means a tire that is no longer suitable for its original purpose because of wear, damage or defect.

  • On-Site Generators means generation facilities (including Behind The Meter Generation) that (i) are not Capacity Resources, (ii) are not injecting into the grid, (iii) are either synchronized or non-synchronized to the Transmission System, and (iv) can be used to reduce demand for the purpose of participating in the PJM Interchange Energy Market.

  • Yard waste means leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden debris and brush, including clean woody vegetative material no greater than 6 inches in diameter. This term does not include stumps, roots or shrubs with intact root balls.

  • Hydrofluorocarbons means compounds that only contain hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon.

  • Cannabis waste means waste that is not hazardous waste, as defined in Public Resources Code section 40141, that contains cannabis and that has been made unusable and unrecognizable in the manner prescribed in sections 5054 and 5055 of this division.

  • Waste oil means used or spent oil or solvents or other volatile hydrocarbons, including but not limited to crankcase oil.

  • Solid waste facility means a site, location, tract of land, installation, or building used for incineration, composting, sanitary landfilling, or other methods of disposal of solid wastes or, if the solid wastes consist of scrap tires, for collection, storage, or processing of the solid wastes; or for the transfer of solid wastes.

  • Waste Materials means any Contamination-causing solid, semi-solid, or liquid material discarded, buried, or otherwise present on the Property, and may include sludge, slag, or solid waste materials such as empty containers and demolition debris or materials containing asbestos, lead-based paint, or petroleum or other contaminants.

  • Crawling bug insecticide means any insecticide product that is designed for use against ants, cockroaches, or other household crawling arthropods, including, but not limited to, mites, silverfish or spiders. “Crawling Bug Insecticide” does not include products designed to be used exclusively on humans or animals, or any house dust mite product. For the purposes of this definition only:

  • Biological safety cabinet means a containment unit suitable for the preparation of low to moderate risk agents where there is a need for protection of the product, personnel, and environment, according to National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 49.

  • Household Hazardous Waste means any waste material derived from households (including single

  • Universal waste transporter means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of universal waste by air, rail, highway, or water.

  • Food Waste means waste food that is household waste or, as the case may be, commercial waste, and shall have the same meaning as that applying to Regulation 7 of the Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009 (SI 508 of 2009) or, as the case may be, to Regulation 6 of the European Union (Household Food Waste and Bio-Waste) Regulations 2015 (SI 430 of 2015);

  • Wood waste means untreated wood and untreated wood products, including tree stumps (whole or chipped), trees, tree limbs (whole or chipped), bark, sawdust, chips, scraps, slabs, millings, and shavings. Wood waste does not include:

  • Radioactive substance means a substance that emits ionizing

  • Infectious waste means a solid waste that contains or may reasonably be

  • X-ray high-voltage generator means a device which transforms electrical energy from the potential supplied by the x-ray control to the tube operating potential. The device may also include means for transforming alternating current to direct current, filament transformers for the x-ray tube(s), high-voltage switches, electrical protective devices, and other appropriate elements.

  • Medical Waste means isolation wastes, infectious agents, human blood and blood products, pathological wastes, sharps, body parts, contaminated bedding, surgical wastes, potentially contaminated laboratory wastes, and dialysis wastes.

  • High global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons means any hydrofluorocarbons in a particular end use for which EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program has identified other acceptable alternatives that have lower global warming potential. The SNAP list of alternatives is found at 40 CFR part 82, subpart G, with supplemental tables of alternatives available at ( ).

  • Radioactive waste means any waste which contains radioactive material in concentrations which exceed those listed in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2.

  • Waste Material means (1) any “hazardous substance” under Section 101(14) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9601(14); (2) any pollutant or contaminant under Section 101(33) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9601(33); (3) any “solid waste” under Section 1004(27) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. § 6903(27); and (4) any “hazardous substance” under Wis. Stat. § 292.01.

  • business waste means waste that emanates from premises that are used wholly or mainly for commercial, retail, wholesale, entertainment or government administration purposes, which include: