Assembly means the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union;
General Assembly means the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Fabrication means making up data or results and recording or reporting them.
Fabricating means to make, build, create, produce, or assemble components or property to work in a new or different manner.
Coating means a material applied onto or impregnated into a substrate for protective, decorative, or functional purposes. Such materials include, but are not limited to, paints, varnishes, sealers, and stains.
Backflow Prevention Assembly means any mechanical assembly installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the mechanical assembly is appropriate for the identified contaminant at the cross connection and is an in-line field-testable assembly.
Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.
Semiconductor equipment means (i) machinery or tools or repair parts or replacements thereof; (ii)
WorkSafeBC means the Workers Compensation Board, a provincial Crown corporation created pursuant to the Workers Compensation Act (British Columbia);
Architectural coating means a coating applied to stationary structures and their appurtenances, to mobile homes, to pavements, or to curbs.
Tube housing assembly means the tube housing with tube installed. It includes high-voltage and/or filament transformers and other appropriate elements when such are contained within the tube housing.
Large Facility Interconnection Procedures or “LFIP”) shall mean the interconnection procedures applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility that are included in Attachment X of the ISO OATT. Standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (“LGIA”) shall mean this Agreement, which is the form of interconnection agreement applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility, that is included in Appendix 4 to Attachment X of the ISO OATT. System Deliverability Upgrades shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications or additions to Byways and Highways and Other Interfaces on the existing New York State Transmission System and Distribution System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard at the requested level of Capacity Resource Interconnection Service. System Protection Facilities shall mean the equipment, including necessary protection signal communications equipment, required to (1) protect the New York State Transmission System from faults or other electrical disturbances occurring at the Large Generating Facility and (2) protect the Large Generating Facility from faults or other electrical system disturbances occurring on the New York State Transmission System or on other delivery systems or other generating systems to which the New York State Transmission System is directly connected. System Upgrade Facilities shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications to the existing transmission system that are required to maintain system reliability due to: (i) changes in the system, including such changes as load growth and changes in load pattern, to be addressed in the form of generic generation or transmission projects; and (ii) proposed interconnections. In the case of proposed interconnection projects, System Upgrade Facilities are the modifications or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard. Tariff shall mean the NYISO Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), as filed with the Commission, and as amended or supplemented from time to time, or any successor tariff. Trial Operation shall mean the period during which Developer is engaged in on-site test operations and commissioning of the Large Generating Facility prior to Commercial Operation.
Double check valve assembly means an assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve.
Hydraulic fracturing means the fracturing of underground rock formations, including shale and non-shale formations, by manmade fluid-driven techniques for the purpose of stimulating oil, natural gas, or other subsurface hydrocarbon production.
Slug loading means any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants, released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration as to cause interference in the POTW.
ESD refers to “Educational Service District”.as defined in RCW 28A.310.010.
Hydraulic lift tank means a tank holding hydraulic fluid for a closed-loop mechanical system that uses compressed air or hydraulic fluid to operate lifts, elevators, and other similar devices.
Assembly and Editing means the aggregation of recorded customer message details to create individual message Records and the verification that all necessary information required ensuring all individual message Records meet industry specifications is present.
Bulk gasoline plant means a gasoline storage and distribution facility with an average daily throughput of 20,000 gallons (76,000 liters) of gasoline or less on a 30-day rolling average.
Structural components means liners, leachate collection systems, final covers, run-on/run-off systems, and any other component used in the construction and operation of the MSWLF that is necessary for protection of human health and the environment.
Plant means the machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the Works.
Filter means material placed in the useful beam to preferentially absorb selected radiations.
Contractor Equipment means all appliances and things of whatsoever nature (other than temporary works) required for execution and completion of works and remedying of any defects, therein. But does not include plant, materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the permanent works.
Fugitive dust emissions means particulate matter from process operations that does not pass through a process stack or vent and that is generated within plant property boundaries from activities such as: unloading and loading areas, process areas, stockpiles, stock pile working, plant parking lots, and plant roads (including access roads and haul roads).
LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative means a person authorized by LOCKHEED MARTIN's cognizant procurement organization to administer and/or execute this Contract.
Cutting means to penetrate with a sharp-edged instrument and includes sawing, but does not include shearing, slicing, or punching.