Assessment charge definition
Examples of Assessment charge in a sentence
As indicated in the Liberal Studies Assessment charge, the ultimate goal of the assessment as it moves forward is to recommend and implement changes to the Liberal Studies Program, which is to be manifested in revisions to the Liberal Studies Document.
If an Owner fails to pay when due any Assessment, charge, fee, cost, or other amount authorized to be charged to the Owner hereunder, such amount shall constitute a default hereunder and a lien on the Lot of such Owner.
The amount of any Assessment, charge, fine, penalty or other amount payable with respect to any member or such member's Guest or Site shall become due and payable as specified in Article IX hereof or by the Board of Directors, and any such amount which is delinquent shall bear interest at the rate of 18 percent per annum from the date due and payable.
The department did not take any action in the following cases despite having information from DGIT (Inv.), Mumbai about availing of entries of bogus purchases by the assessees Table 6.5: Details of cases where action was not taken on bogus purchases (` in lakh)despite having informationSl. Name of assessee, PAN, AY Assessment charge Amount of Tax effect no.
PCI Assessment does not include costs to appeal a PCI Assessment, charge backs, interchange fees, discount fees, or prospective service fees.
For MasterCard/Cirrus transactions: If you conduct a transaction with your Card in a country outside the USA, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands using the Cirrus/Star Network, there will be a currency conversion assessment of 0.20% for performing the currency conversion (if non-US denomination) and a Cross Border Assessment charge of 0.80% on all cross-border transactions.
The charge for an additional ID Badge is historically set at 50 percent of then-current annual Base Assessment charge (the current charge being $500) pro-rated for the remainder of the then-current calendar year.
Any Owner who fails to pay any Assessment, charge, or fee of the Association shall also be obligated to pay to the Association, on demand, all costs and expenses incurred by the Association, including reasonable attorney's fees, in attempting to collect the delinquent amount.
If an Owner owns more than one Lot at the time this Declaration is recorded, the Owner must pay a full Assessment charge for each Lot owned.
Each Assessment, charge, fee, together with interest, late fees, costs and reasonable attorneys, fees, etc., shall be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of the Homesite at the time when the Assessment became due, as well as that persons heirs, devisees, personal representatives, successors or assigns.