Examples of Assessment resolution in a sentence
Reed presented the proposed Assessment resolution and timeline for approval.
Special Assessment resolution and return to discuss numbers 2, 4, 5, and 6 on the agenda.Adjourn - Motion (Schmidt/Sample) to adjourn.
They will come back and do a Supplemental Assessment resolution which will actually impose the exact amount of assessments that are necessary to repay the bonds issued.
The Board of County Commissioners is required to adopt the Final Assessment Resolution for FY09/10 single-family solid waste assessment rates as established in Section 3.06 of Ordinance No. 529 and certify the special assessment roll to the Tax Collector.AGENDA ITEM: 804b1a6bSUPPLEMENTAL MEMOACTION TAKEN: The Board approved the Final Assessment resolution for the East and WestMunicipal Service Benefit Units.
Valantasis, seconded by Mr. Avelli, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors ratified 2023-12 Assessment resolution (Expansion Area- Series 2023), for the Town of Kindred Community Development District II.