Asset Rating definition
Examples of Asset Rating in a sentence
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE The property has been assessed for an Energy Performance Asset Rating.
The table below displays the breakdown of EPC ratings by grade for England and Wales correct as at June 201325: Energy Performance Asset Rating BandNumber of non-domestic properties However, it is important to note that many leading property owners obtained EPCs for their entire portfolios at the time of their introduction in 2008.
A copy of the 'Asset Rating' BRUKL Output Document 1 Compliance with ADL2 using actual construction data must be handed to the UED Energy Conservation Officer before final handover of the building.The NCM allows calculation by accredited software, dynamic simulation models or SBEM.
As mentioned in Section 3.4.9 oneurban college reported overall savings of around 35 per cent in pay and 20 per cent in non-pay costs at its site, particularly in respect of energy costs – the Energy Performance Asset Rating for the building is now very good.
The first and third elements of Olofsson's framework were developed in more detail in the EuroProsper and EPLabel projects [11], [12], which used the terminology Asset Rating to refer to the calculated, potential energy performance (based on the building design and systems installed) and Operational Rating to refer to the measured, in-use energy performance.