Assistance group definition

Assistance group means those persons whose income, resources, or needs are considered in determining eligibility or payment amount, or both, for:
Assistance group means a group of consumers receiving benefits together under a specific category of assistance.
Assistance group means those persons potentially eligible or determined eligible to receive benefits together under one assistance group name. This was formerly referred to as the food assistance household. The assistance group is also known as the standard filing unit (SFU) in the statewide automated eligibility system.

Examples of Assistance group in a sentence

  • Children MAGI Medical Assistance group provides Medical Assistance coverage to tax dependents or otherwise eligible applicants through the end of the month that the individual turns 19 years old.

  • The four large investor-owned electric utilities operating in Maryland are members of the Mid-Atlantic Mutual Assistance group and the S outheastern Electrical Exchange.

  • In addition, Generali CEE is proud to be one of the world‘s major players in the field of assistance, through the Europ Assistance group, which provides worldwide services in the motor, traveland health, home and family lines of business also in the region.

  • Adult MAGI Medical Assistance group provides Medical Assistance to eligible adults from the age of 19 through the end of the month that the individual turns 65, who do not receive or who are ineligible for Medicare.

  • The four large investor-owned electric utilities operating in Maryland are members of the Mid-Atlantic Mutual Assistance group and the Southeastern Electrical Exchange.

More Definitions of Assistance group

Assistance group means the following individuals who live in the same household:
Assistance group means those persons determined potentially eligible or eligible to receive benefits together.
Assistance group means one or more related or nonrelated
Assistance group means one or more related or nonrelated individuals who occupy a common residence, or would occupy a common residence if they were not homeless, and whose needs and eligibility for assistance are considered together in determining eligibility for cash assistance or medical assistance. If eligible for cash assistance or medical assistance, the assistance group shall be limited to assistance that accords with standards established by the department.
Assistance group means a group of individuals treated as a unit for purposes of determining eligibility for and the amount of assistance provided under Ohio works first.
Assistance group means those persons potentially eligible or determined eligible to receive benefits together under one assistance group name. This was formerly referred to as the standard filing unit (SFU).
Assistance group means those persons potentially eligible or determined eligible to receive benefits together under one assistance group name. This was formerly referred to as the SNAP household.