At large definition
Examples of At large in a sentence
At large orbital separations, the mass of the gas at the edge of the cavity far exceeds the mass of the secondary.
At large pT the non-perturbative correction factor is close to 1.
At large locations can be used for unin corporated areas in the county or in cities within the county that have no retail licenses designated.
At large locations can be used for unincorporated areas in the county or in cities within the county that have no retail licenses designa ted.
At large scales (100’s of km), CO2 transport in the atmospheric boundary layer limits the air capture flux to roughly 400 tC/ha-yr [Elliott et al., 2001].If air capture is used to offset emissions from fossil fuels as a means to provide energy with zero net CO2 emissions, then we can divide the power provided by the fossil fuels by the land area required to capture the CO2 emission resulting from the fuel combustion in order to compute a power density.