Examples of Athletic facility in a sentence
Athletic facility debt is aggregated with educational facility debt.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Athletic facility means fields, courts or gymnasiums owned and operated by the city, including but not limited to the field/court of play, sidelines and bleachers, where sporting events, practices and games are routinely held.
Items may be determined to be Capital items at the discretion of the HCCFSO Grants Committee and include the following: Buildings Playground Equipment Vehicles Desks/furnishings Computer/Technology Lab Equipment Textbooks Athletic facility improvements Activity uniforms Library Books The Foundation will entertain applications for Capital Projects only as a match to other cash funding sources of up to fifty percent (50 %) of the total Capital Project cost and for an amount not to exceed $250,000.
MVRHS Athletic facility proposal Dear Commissioners, Except for a few of you new Commissioners, you all know me.
The Director also spoke about the opening of the Monarch Park Athletic facility, which was established in partnership with the private sector.