Basketball Court. The Basketball Court shall only be used by Health Club members and their permitted guests and shall not be made available to the general public or for league play.
Basketball Court. Each leaf of the double-leaf doors to the basketball court has a clear opening width of 28 inches. Alter the door so that one door leaf has a minimum clear opening of at least 32 inches with the door open 90 degrees, measured between the face of the door and the opposite stop. Standards §§ 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(7)(b), 4.13.4, 4.13.5.
Basketball Court. The court may be used for open play, specialty classes and special programs. Open play schedules may vary from time to time. The court may also be closed from time to time for private events.
Basketball Court. Daily Dust mop all hard surface floors with treated or electrostatic dust mop; “ Mop all stains and spills, especially coffee and drink spills; “ Spot clean all partition glass; Weekly Dust all horizontal surfaces; Monthly Dry buff all hard surface floors using a standard floor machine; “ Dust pull out bleachers in gymnasium;
Basketball Court. The TR Center shall include resurfacing of the basketball court and new basketball court equipment, fencing, gates and lighting to adequately illuminate the basketball court.
Basketball Court. The basketball court shall consist of a portable basketball playing surface with all customary related 41 items including, without limitation, state-of-the-art basketball goals, back-up basketball goals, nets, lines and striping, 42 timekeeper’s tables, scorekeeper’s tables, adequate signs and markers, home and visiting team benches, tables and 43 chairs, adequate lighting, communications systems, telephone hook-up from each team’s bench on floor level to 44 coaches and assistant coaches, radio and television booths; The playing surface shall be customized with Athletics 45 logos and other design elements at the sole discretion and cost of Athletics, and will be refurbished and kept in 46 playable condition at all times, including replacement when needed whether due to damage or ordinary wear and tear. 47 The basketball court shall be re-sealed by the City every summer to preserve its longevity. The basketball court shall 48 be repainted by the City in a manner designed by Athletics at least every 5 years. Every 5 years, the Operations 49 Working Group shall evaluate the condition of the basketball court. The Parties recognize that on average, basketball 50 courts require replacement every 10 years and that the basketball court may require replacement more frequently 51 depending on the wear and tear on the court caused by the repeated removal and reset of the court.
Basketball Court. The basketball court shall consist of a portable basketball playing surface with all 30 customary related items including, without limitation, state‐of‐the‐art basketball goals, back‐up 31 basketball goals, nets, lines and striping, timekeeper’s tables, scorekeeper’s tables, adequate signs and 32 markers, home and visiting team benches, tables and chairs, adequate lighting, communications 33 systems, telephone hook‐up from each team’s bench on floor level to coaches and assistant coaches, 34 radio and television booths;
Basketball Court. The Tenant shall be entitled to use the Basketball Court at The Residences. No guest of a Tenant is allowed to use the Basketball Court without the written authorization of the Landlord and a payment of USD$10.00 per day, payable in advance. In consideration of being entitled to have a guest use the Basketball Court, the Tenant hereby agrees to indemnify The Residences and their owners, affiliates, employees and representatives from all claims by the guest with respect to death, injury, loss or damage to person or property however caused, arising by reason of the use of the Basketball Court.
Basketball Court. The Consultant shall prepare design documents for the installation of a new lighted basketball court shown on the master plan with minor modifications to the location (slight shift to the east) as discussed. The work shall entail enhancements to surrounding landscapes i.e., slopes, lawns, wooded area and paths including connection to the newly- designed skate park. The work shall entail preparation of a layout plan, details, specifications and construction cost estimate. The Consultant shall also provide construction support services, including one (1) site visit per week during an anticipated six to eight-week construction period. This effort shall be provided in conjunction with construction support for the oval path. The work effort shall also be coordinated with the work of the Electrical Distribution master plan and detail electrical design. Construction is scheduled to commence in Spring 2006.
Basketball Court. There is no accessible route to basketball court. Provide an accessible route from the accessible parking area to the basketball court that is at least 36 inches wide and is stable, firm, and slip-resistant and without abrupt changes in level greater than 1/4 inch; or provide equivalent facilitation (e.g., by offering those services at a nearby accessible location for individuals who use wheelchairs). §§ 4.1.2(1), 4.3.8, 4.5.1, 4.5.2.