Atmos Energy definition

Atmos Energy means Atmos Energy Corporation, a Texas and Virginia corporation.
Atmos Energy means Atmos Energy Corporation, its successors and assigns, or such other natural gas supplier for the Property.
Atmos Energy means Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division, a Texas and Virginia corporation, and its successors and assigns, but does not include an Affiliate, which shall have no right or privilege granted herein except through succession or assignment in accordance with Section 17.

Examples of Atmos Energy in a sentence

  • Atmos Energy shall file annual reports with the Commission, providing by month the following amounts: Gas Cost Written Off.

  • Actual Gas Cost Incurred = The sum of the costs booked in Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division account numbers 800 through 813 and 858 of the FERC Uniform System of Accounts, including the net impact of injecting and withdrawing gas from storage.

  • Applicable to Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation tariff customers within the city limits of cities identified in Exhibit A that receive service from the Mid-Tex Division of Atmos Energy Corporation (“Company”).

  • Atmos Energy shall comprehensively account for, including establishing a regulatory liability to account for, any statutory change in tax expense that is applicable to months during the Test Period in the calculation to ensure recovery of tax expense under new and old income tax rates.

  • Unless additional reply time is granted by the regulatory authority, Atmos Energy, West Texas Division will make a final and complete response within 15 days.

  • Atmos Energy, West Texas Division will keep a record of all complaints which will show the name and address of the complainant, the date and nature of the complaint, and the adjustment or disposition thereof for a period of one year subsequent to the final disposition of the complaint.

  • Applicable to Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Public Authority, and Transportation tariff incorporated areas customers in the West Texas Division of Atmos Energy Corporation (“Company”) with the exception of those customers within the Cities of Amarillo, Lubbock, Dalhart, and Channing.

  • In the event that Atmos Energy, West Texas Division refuses to serve an applicant under the provisions of these rules, Atmos Energy, West Texas Division will inform the applicant of the basis of its refusal and that the applicant may file a complaint with the municipal regulatory authority or commission, whichever is appropriate.

  • Upon receipt of a complaint, either by letter or by telephone, from the regulatory authority on behalf of a customer, Atmos Energy, West Texas Division will promptly make a suitable investigation and advise the regulatory authority and complainant of the results thereof.

  • UTILITY OPERATIONSAPPLICABLE TO:Entire SystemEFFECTIVE DATE:04/18/2011PAGE: 3 Atmos Pipeline-Texas, a division of Atmos Energy Corp., owns and operates a natural gas transmission pipeline system that provides natural gas service in 111 counties in Texas.The following will respond to inquiries regarding provisions of this Tariff for Gas Service: Mr. Charles R.

Related to Atmos Energy

  • Energy means electricity, natural gas, steam, hot or chilled water, fuel oil, or other product for use in a building, or renewable on-site electricity generation, for purposes of providing heating, cooling, lighting, water heating, or for powering or fueling other end-uses in the building and related facilities, as reflected in Utility bills or other documentation of actual Energy use.

  • boycott energy companies has the meaning used in Section 809.001 of the Texas Government Code, as amended. The Professional understands “affiliate” to mean an entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the Professional and exists to make a profit.

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • Natural gas company ’ means a person engaged in the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce, or the sale in inter- state commerce of such gas for resale.

  • Renewable energy resources means energy derived from solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydroelectricity. A fuel cell using hydrogen derived from these eligible resources is also an eligible electric generation technology. Fossil and nuclear fuels and their derivatives are not eligible resources.

  • boycott energy company means “without an ordinary business purpose, refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with a company because the company (a) engages in the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacturing of fossil fuel-based energy and does not commit or pledge to meet environmental standards beyond applicable federal and state law, or (b) does business with a company described by paragraph (a).” (See Tex. Gov. Code 809.001). When applicable, does Vendor certify? Yes, Vendor certifies business entity that enters into a contract with a school district must give advance notice to the district if the person or an owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony. The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction of a felony.” Subsection (b) states, "a school district may terminate a contract with a person or business entity if the district determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required by Subsection (a) or misrepresented the conduct resulting in the conviction. The district must compensate the person or business entity for services performed before the termination of the contract.” Subsection (c) states, "This section does not apply to a publicly held corporation. Vendor certifies one of the following:

  • renewable energy sources means renewable sources such as small hydro, wind, solar including its integration with combined cycle, biomass, bio fuel cogeneration, urban or municipal waste and other such sources as approved by the MNRE;

  • Constellation has the meaning assigned to that term in the Recitals.

  • Production company means a person or entity engaged in the business of making motion picture, television, or radio images for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or education purposes; Reserved

  • Natural resources means all land, fish, shellfish, wildlife, biota,

  • Renewable energy means energy derived from sunlight, wind, falling water, biomass, sustainable or

  • energy storage means, in the electricity system, deferring the final use of electricity to a moment later than when it was generated, or the conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy or use as another energy carrier;

  • Atlas means Automated Transportation Logistics Activity System. ATLAS is a computerized information system to which all Shippers have access upon request. ATLAS enables Shippers to nominate and release product and to monitor and coordinate the movement of Petroleum Products while on Carrier's system.

  • Renewable energy resource means a resource that naturally replenishes over a human, not a geological, time frame and that is ultimately derived from solar power, water power, or wind power. Renewable energy resource does not include petroleum, nuclear, natural gas, or coal. A renewable energy resource comes from the sun or from thermal inertia of the earth and minimizes the output of toxic material in the conversion of the energy and includes, but is not limited to, all of the following:

  • Renewable Energy Source means an energy source that is not fossil carbon-based, non- renewable or radioactive, and may include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, or wave, tidal and thermal ocean technologies, and includes a Certified Renewable Energy Source.

  • Hydroelectric energy means water used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.

  • Wireline means a cable containing one or more electrical conductors which is used to lower and raise logging tools in the well-bore.

  • CAISO Global Resource ID means the number or name assigned by the CAISO to the CAISO-Approved Meter.

  • Brands means the Sprint PCS Brands and the Sprint Brands.

  • Energy Star means the U.S. EPA’s energy efficiency product labeling program.

  • Renewable energy system means a fixture, product, device, or interacting group of fixtures, products, or devices on the customer's side of the meter that use 1 or more renewable energy resources to generate electricity. Renewable energy system includes a biomass stove but does not include an incinerator or digester.

  • Resources shall have the meaning set forth in Section 23.1 of this Agreement.

  • economic resources means assets of every kind, whether tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, which are not funds, but may be used to obtain funds, goods or services;

  • Water resources means all waters of the state occurring on the surface, in natural or artificial channels, lakes, reservoirs, or impoundments, and in subsurface aquifers, which are available, or which may be made available to agricultural, industrial, commercial, recreational, public, and domestic users;

  • Storm water management plan means a comprehensive plan designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from storm water after the site has under gone final stabilization following completion of the construction activity.

  • Natural Resource or “Natural Resources” shall mean land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, ground water, drinking water supplies, and other such resources, belonging to, managed by, held in trust by, appertaining to, or otherwise controlled by the United States or the State.