Auction Price definition
Examples of Auction Price in a sentence
Bids which do not fulfill any of the requirements stated in the Daily Auction Rules shall be excluded and shall not be included among the assessed Bids.All Bids which fulfill the above-mentioned requirements will be evaluated, and the Auction Price will be determined in accordance with the rules stated in Section 4.
Each CRR Holder that holds a CRR with a term of one year or less shall be subject to a credit requirement ($/MW) equal to the negative of the most recent CRR Auction Price of such CRR or the Historical Expected Value of such CRR, whichever is lower, plus the Credit Margin for such CRR.
A line item on this Statement will show amounts due equal to the Auction Price multiplied by the applicable Seasonal Billing Factor multiplied by PMEA for the Billing Month in question.
If received Bids exceed the Offered Capacity on the border, the Auction Price equals the lowestBid Price of all Bids accepted on the border and direction, i.e. the price of the last accepted Bid.
Auction Price is set forth independently of the actual use, and other transmission fees if applicable, separately in each Bidding Zone.