Australasian colony definition
Examples of Australasian colony in a sentence
The mere production of a paper purporting to be the London Gazette, the Edinburgh Gazette, the Dublin Gazette, the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, or the Gazette of any State or of any Australasian colony shall, before all courts and persons acting judicially, be evidence that the paper is such Gazette, and was published on the day on which it bears date.
The mere production of a paper purporting to be printed by the Government Printer, or by the authority of the Imperial Government or the Government of the Commonwealth, or of any State, or of any Australasian colony, shall, before all courts and persons acting judicially, be evidence that the paper was printed by the Government Printer or by such authority.
All documents purporting to be copies of the votes and proceedings of either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth, or of any State, or of any Australasian colony, if purporting to be printed by the Government Printer, shall, on s.
Where by any law at any time in force the Governor-General or the Governor of any State or of any Australasian colony, or any Minister of the Crown for the Commonwealth or a State, or any s.
The cur who had lured us into this absurd mission was a hobble-legged child from the Barrows.
Where by any law at any time in force the Governor-General or the Governor of any State or of any Australasian colony, or any Minister of the Crown for the Commonwealth or a State, or any Australasian colony, is authorised or empowered to do any act, production of the Gazette purporting to contain a copy or notification of any such act shall, before all courts and persons acting judicially, be evidence of the act having been duly done.
Where by any law at any time in force the Governor-General or the Governor of any State or of any Australasian colony, or any Minister of the Crown for the Commonwealth or a State, or any Australasian colony, is authorised or empowered to do any act, s.
The University selects the learning platforms to ensure the high standards of the technical elements of each course.
That conference passed a motion, moved by John Quick, in the following terms: That in the opinion of this conference the Legislature of each Australasian colony should pass an act providing for the election of representatives to attend a statutory convention or congress to consider and adopt a bill to establish a federal constitution for Australia and upon the adoption of such bill or measure it be submitted by some process of referendum to the verdict of each colony.