Authorized practitioner means a practitioner authorized by law to possess, use and administer radiopharmaceuticals, acting within the scope of such authority.
Authorized practitioner means a healthcare provider holding a current unrestricted State license whose scope of practice provides for ordering the specific test or procedure in question. This provider requires the approval of Parkview Health and must supply the following information: full name, suffix, specialty or discipline, office address, telephone or fax number, health professional license number, and, if applicable, DEA/CSR and UPIN number. In addition to this information, mid-levels (NPs, PAs and Certified Midwives) must provide the name of their sponsoring or collaborating physician and the contact information for that sponsoring or collaborating physician. This information must be provided to Parkview Hospital Medical Staff Services (see bulletin board “Medical Staff”; form “Request Prac ID#”). License verification and Medicare/Medicaid sanction checks will be performed, but the results withheld until the required information is provided. If the results reveal a critical lab value, the results will not be withheld.
Authorized practitioner means a physician actively licensed under the provisions of §30-3-1 et seq. or §30-14-1 et seq. of this code, an advanced practice registered nurse with prescriptive authority actively licensed under the provisions of §30-7-1 et seq. of this code, a physician’s assistant actively licensed under the provisions of §30-3E-1 et seq. of this code, an optometrist actively licensed under the provisions of §30-8-1 et seq. of this code, or a dentist actively licensed under the provisions of §30-4-1 et seq. of this code.
More Definitions of Authorized practitioner
Authorized practitioner means a healthcare provider holding a current unrestricted State license whose scope of practice provides for ordering the specific test or procedure in question. This provider requires the approval of Parkview Health and must supply the following information: full name, suffix, specialty or discipline, office address, telephone or fax number, health professional license number, and, if applicable, DEA, CSR and UPIN number. I n addi t i on t o t hi s i n f o r m at i on, m i d - le v e ls ( NP s , P A s and C er t i f i ed M i d w i v es ) m us t pr ov i de t he na m e o f t hei r s pons or i ng or c ol l abor at i ng phy s i c i an a nd t h e c o nt a c t i nf or m at i on f or t hat s p ons or i ng or c ol l abor at i ng phy s i c ia n . This information must be provided to Parkview Hospital Medical Staff Services (see bulletin board “Medical Staff”; form “Request Prac ID#”). License verification and Medicare/Medicaid sanction checks will be performed. Requested testing will be performed, but the diagnostic results withheld until the required information is provided. If the results reveal a critical lab value or test result, the results will not be withheld. The elements of a complete order would include: 1) Patient’s full name; 2) Order date; 3) Diagnosis; 4) Services to be performed; 5) Signature.
Authorized practitioner means a physician, a nurse practitioner, or a nurse designated by the chief medical officer as authorized to make referrals for medical travel; « praticien autorisé »
Authorized practitioner means a physician, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, or physician assistant who may order home health services, including face-to-face encounter services.
Authorized practitioner means a practitioner duly authorized by law to possess, use, and administer radiophar- maceuticals.
Authorized practitioner means the attending physician or other individual authorized by law to prescribe treatment, medication or medical devices who holds a current unrestricted license to practice and is acting within the scope of such authority.
Authorized practitioner means a physician actively licensed under the provisions of §30-3-1 et seq. of this code or §30-14-1 et seq. of this code.
Authorized practitioner means a practitioner duly authorized by law to possess, use, and administer radiopharmaceuticals.