Enrollment means the number of students who are enrolled in a school operated by the district on October 1. A student shall be counted as one whether the student is enrolled as a full-time or part-time student. Students enrolled in prekindergarten programs shall not be counted.
Open enrollment means, with respect to individual health insurance coverage, the period of time
Dual enrollment means the enrollment of a 3- or 4-year-old student who is eligible for special education services in both a public school district, through which the student receives special education services, and a private or home school.
Disenrollment means either voluntary or involuntary termination of a participant from the Independent Choices Program.
Declining enrollment means any significant decrease in the school district’s enrollment which may affect the school district’s allocation of funds in future years and/or the necessity of maintaining certain class sections or offerings.
Enrollment Agreement means an agreement between the Company and an employee, in such form as may be established by the Company from time to time, pursuant to which the employee elects to participate in this Plan, or elects changes with respect to such participation as permitted under the Plan.
Open Enrollment Period means an enrollment period during which time any Eligible Employee and/or Dependent may apply to become a Subscriber and/or Covered Dependent, and existing Subscribers may apply to change to another provider network or coverage option, if available, or elect to terminate coverage.
Continuous enrollment means enrollment in a state- supported postsecondary education institution at the same degree level for consecutive terms, excluding summer term, since the beginning of the period for which continuous enrollment is claimed unless a sequence of continuous enrollment is broken due to extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control, including serious personal illness or injury, or illness or death of a parent.
Annual Enrollment Period or "Enrollment Period" means the period before each policy anniversary so designated by the Sponsor and Lincoln during which you may enroll for coverage under this policy.
Enrollment Form means an agreement pursuant to which an Eligible Employee may elect to enroll in the Plan, to authorize a new level of payroll deductions, or to stop payroll deductions and withdraw from an Offering Period.
Special Enrollment Period means a period of time allowed under this Plan, other than the eligible person’s Initial Enrollment Period or an Open Enrollment Period, during which an eligible person can request coverage under this Plan as a result of certain events that create special enrollment rights.
Initial Enrollment Period means one of the following periods during which you may first enroll for coverage under this plan:
Concurrent enrollment means the simultaneous enrollment of a qualified student in a district high school and in one or more postsecondary courses at an institution of higher education. Concurrent enrollment does not include a student’s simultaneous enrollment in: a district high school and in one or more secondary career and technical education courses, advanced placement courses, or international baccalaureate courses; an early college course and a postsecondary course; a p-tech school and a postsecondary course; or a district high school and a postsecondary course that does not fall within the definition of concurrent enrollment.
Enroll means to do the following:
Enrollment Date means the first Trading Day of each Offering Period.
Enrollment Period means that period of time prescribed by the Administrator, which period shall conclude prior to the Offering Date, during which Eligible Employees may elect to participate in an Offering Period. The duration and timing of Enrollment Periods may be changed or modified by the Administrator from time to time.
Enrolment means the process, as may be specified by regulations, to collect demographic and biometric information from individuals by the enrolling agencies for the purpose of issuing Aadhaar numbers to such individuals under this Act;
Effective date of enrollment means the first date when an en- rollee is entitled to receive covered benefits.
Number of Students Who Began Program means the number of students who began the program who are scheduled to complete the program within the reporting calendar year.
Number of Students Who Began the Program means the number of students who began a program who were scheduled to complete the program within 100% of the published program length within the reporting calendar year and excludes all students who cancelled during the cancellation period.
900 service means an inbound toll telecommunications service purchased by a subscriber that allows the subscriber's customers to call in to the subscriber's prerecorded announcement or live service, and which is typically marketed under the name "900 service" and any subsequent numbers designated by the federal communications commission. "900 service" does not include the charge for collection services provided by the seller of the telecommunications service to the subscriber, or services or products sold by the subscriber to the subscriber's customer.
Educational program means a program for educating and preparing physician assistants which is approved by the board.
800 service means a telecommunications service that:
Managed care plan means a health benefit plan that either requires a covered person to use, or
CMU Service means the Central Moneymarkets Unit Service, operated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority;
Adult foster care means room and board, supervision, and special services to an adult who has a