Examples of Automatic Identification System (AIS) in a sentence
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a Very High Frequency (VHF) radio broadcasting system that transfers packets of data over the VHF data link (VDL) and enables AIS equipped vessels and shore-based stations to exchange identification information and navigational data.
It is recommended, subject to frequent assessment, that Automatic Identification System (AIS) transmission is left on throughout any and all areas of risk, but that it is configured to transmit ship’s identity, position, course, speed, navigational status and safety- related information only.
In maritime navigation, IMO has introduced the Automatic Identification System (AIS).
Initiate the ship’s pre-prepared emergency procedures such as activating water spray and other appropriate self-defence measures. Ensure that the Automatic Identification System (AIS) is switched ON. Confirm external doors and, where possible, internal public spaces and cabins, are fully secured.
Using data on ship traffic patterns collected by the U.S. Coast Guard through the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and summarized for Chesapeake Bay at 1 km x 1 km grid cells for the interval 2009 through 2014 (spatial data source: Bilkovic et al.
Locating subsistence fishermen in Arctic waters that need to know when large vessels approaching – they do not have Automatic Identification System (AIS) or radar: Projects 1.a, 1.b, 1.e, 1.f, 2.a, and 2.b.
The marine Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a location and vessel information reporting system.
We use ship Automatic Identification System (AIS) data provided by ExactEarth and ship characteristics from the IHS Markit “Core Ships Database”.
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a ship borne radio data system, exchanging static, dynamic and voyage related vessel data between equipped vessels and between equipped vessels and shore stations.
The survey of the automatic identification system should be carried out using suitable test equipment capable of performing all the relevant measurements required by and in accordance with the Guidelines on annual testing of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) (MSC.1/Circ.1252).