Auxiliary boiler definition
Auxiliary boiler means any fuel-fired combustion equipment designed primarily to produce steam for uses other than propulsion, including, but not limited to, heating of residual fuel and liquid cargo, heating of water for crew and passengers, powering steam turbine discharge pumps, freshwater generation, and space heating of cabins. Exhaust gas economizers that exclusively use diesel engine exhaust as a heat source to produce steam are not auxiliary boilers.
Auxiliary boiler means, for purposes of Part 217, a boiler that is operated only when the main boiler or boilers at a source are not in service and is used either to maintain building heat or to assist in the startup of the main boiler or boilers. This term does not include emergency or standby units and load shaving units.
Auxiliary boiler means either a boiler that produces steam and operates at a capacity factor of less than ten per cent or a boiler at a nuclear electrical generating facility that produces steam for the facility during either emergency periods or atypical extended periods of nuclear plant outage.
Examples of Auxiliary boiler in a sentence
The inspectors performed a partial walkdown on the following systems which represents three samples: • Emergency diesel generator (EDG) service water supply following maintenance;• Auxiliary boiler feedwater system following full-flow testing; and• Temporary spent fuel pool cooling system following installation.
Evaporation 2 x Vertical two drum, water tube type 61.5 kg/cm2g at 5l5°C 71.000kg/hr Auxiliary boiler Type and n° Press.
Enter the following information on the auxiliary boiler at the unit: Auxiliary boiler manufacturer(s).
The steam temperature control range of Auxiliary boiler shall be from 60% to 100% load.
Auxiliary boiler blowdown is also routed to the sludge lagoon for storage and disposal.
More Definitions of Auxiliary boiler
Auxiliary boiler means a steam generator on an ocean-going vessel designed primarily to provide steam for uses other than propulsion or pumping cargo.
Auxiliary boiler means a boiler that produces steam and operates at a capacity factor of less than ten per cent.
Auxiliary boiler means any fuel-fired combustion equipment
Auxiliary boiler is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: "means the high-pressure boiler to be constructed by Owner pursuant to the Steam Venture Agreement."
Auxiliary boiler means the high-pressure boiler to be constructed by Owner as Phase I of the Project pursuant to the Steam Venture Agreement.
Auxiliary boiler means any fuel-fired combustion equipment designed primarily to produce steam for uses other than propulsion, including, but not limited to, heating of residual fuel and liquid cargo, heating of water for crew and passengers, powering steam turbine discharge pumps, freshwater generation, and space heating of cabins. Exhaust gas economizers that exclusively use
Auxiliary boiler means the dual-fueled (natural gas- and oil-fired) auxiliary boiler or back-up hot water heaters to be installed by Owner in the Greenhouse to provide an alternative source of a sufficient quantity of Thermal Energy for use in the Greenhouse.