Available fee for an incentive means the fee the Contractor may earn but has not yet earned.
Available fee means the cumulative total fee for each evaluation period of the contract, including base fee and award (at-risk) fee.
Available fee means fee the Contractor might earn but has not yet earned.
Examples of Available fee in a sentence
Available fee categories are: PERIODICMembership FeeNCMPeriodic NCM FeeTRADEClearing FeePNLTCSHPenalty Fixed Fee for Missing CashPNLTSECPenalty Fixed Fee for Missing SecuritiesSTLMSettlement Fee Picture: Fee detailsDerivatives: Trading and clearing fees for derivatives are settled daily on the settlement and collateral account.
Laptops should NOT be stored in a student’s vehicle at school or at home.
More Definitions of Available fee
Available fee means the total fee for the evaluation period that the Contractor might earn but has not yet earned.