Examples of Average charge in a sentence
Average charge calculated by totalling last three utility bills and dividing by the number of months to get the average monthly cost.
Repos) UACC Charge offs Max 6.75% Average charge off The bonus calculation, including the amounts to be used for the goals as set forth above, shall be mutually agreed upon in years 2 and 3 based on the approved budget.
Average charge for Airbus A319LR on a block hour basis (transformed from the distance basis as charged by the authorities) will then be around $500.
A: Average charge per aa in the N-terminus (N), overall (O), and in the C-terminus (C).
The amount imposed upon the consumer for any settlement service shall not exceed the amount actually received by the service provider for that service, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (f)(3)(ii) of this section.(ii) Average charge.
We forecast that GDP will grow 2.7% this year - considerably above Finnish potential output growth.
The petitioner has also indicated that the build out of the project will be in 3 years from the date of the BCC approval of this project.
Average charge based on prior consumption history where meter was not read or a rendering of service was not completed and submitted to the municipality.
Average charge for the majority of students at each institution, excluding tuition differentials.Historical student charges by type, level and institution can be found at http://research.schev.edu/apps/info/Reports.Guide-to-the-Tuition-and-Fees-Reports.ashx.
Average charge density in the device, n¯ , as a function of (A) cell voltage at different light intensities and (B) light intensity in the range 0–3 suns for different cell voltages, where n¯ 1∕d∫ dn x dx and d is the active layer thickness.