Examples of Award Amount in a sentence
Project Location - Enter the project location as it appears on the project advertisement.5. Consultant’s Name - Enter the consultant’s firm name.6. Prime Certified DBE - Check box if prime contractor is a certified DBE.7. Total Contract Award Amount - Enter the total contract award dollar amount for the prime consultant.8. Total Dollar Amount for ALL Subconsultants – Enter the total dollar amount for all subcontracted consultants.
Enter the Award Title, Award Number, Award Amount, and the Reason for Cancellation.
Prior to execution of a Change Order that, cumulatively with previous Change Orders, increases the Contract Award Amount by 15% or more, the Contractor shall provide either new payment and performance bonds for therevised Contract Sum, or riders to the existing payment and performance bonds increasing the amount of the bonds.
This reduction shall be calculated by dividing the actual match amount by the required match amount indicated in the Agreement and multiplying the product by the Grant Award Amount indicated in the Agreement.
Total Expected Sub-Awards: $0OrganizationTypeSub- Award Amount 2B.