Examples of Awarding Entity in a sentence
Contractor shall be required to produce and deliver such reports relating to the services performed under the Contract as may be required by the Awarding Entity, City or any other State or Federal governmental agency with jurisdiction.
If the changes affect the content of offers submitted in the course of the procedure, the Awarding Entity will extend the deadline for submitting offers.
The Awarding Entity requires the submission of an offer for the implementation of the Order using the template model form.
The Economic Operator shall be obliged to inform the Awarding Entity about any and all incidents of initiating execution, bankruptcy, examinership, liquidation and other proceedings and events with reference to the Economic Operator which shall or may have adverse impact on the performance of the Contract.
The person on the part of the Awarding Entity authorised to contact the Economic Operator in matters related with the performance of the Contract shall be: ……….……….
The Economic Operator shall have the right to calculate statutory interest for each day of the delay if the Awarding Entity does not pay for invoices within the stipulated time limit.
The Economic Operator shall be liable to the Awarding Entity for the actions of subcontractors as if for its own actions.
The Awarding Entity shall not be held liable for the obligations of the Economic Operator resulting from the performance of the Contract.
Payment shall be considered effected on the day of debiting the bank account of the Awarding Entity.The Awarding Entity may effect payment in cash.
The remuneration for additional services will be paid in accordance with arrangements made by the parties, and in particular in accordance with the binding price list of the Economic Operator and upon the acceptance thereof by the Awarding Entity.