Examples of Back Office System in a sentence
The C# version is an upgrade version of OCTOSTP Equity Back Office System to replace the old Visual Basic version.
If CPs would use their production Back Office System (“BOS”) to perform the Rehearsal, they should ensure that their production BOS data are properly backed up before the Rehearsal.
Upon completion of the POC, Proposers will be evaluated on their ability to demonstrate the functionality of the Back Office System and meet identified requirements which will be provided to the short list finalists.
PTC technology, in conjunction with existing train control systems, functions as an overlay to existing signal systems to prevent train-to-train collisions, over-speed derailments, incursions into work zones, and movements through an improperly lined main track switch in dark territory.CP’s PTC operations are based in its Minneapolis head office, both for Back Office System and dispatching functions.
Data Security - Credit Card Masking The functionality exists to mask the credit card numbers in the Form of Payment and Fare Calculation fields in both IAR and the Back Office System (BOS) file.
Following is a summary of the monthly Quality Assurance (QA) risk assessment reporting conducted by the Public Consulting Group (PCG) QA team for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Customer Service Center (CSC) Back Office System (BOS) Project.
According to Mr Xxxxxxxxx, the issues with the Back Office System “made the Defendant’s platform … appear unreliable and an unprofessional platform, making members or traders wary of using the Defendant to trade commodity and futures contracts”.114 61 According to Mr Xxxxxxxxx, throughout the history of the Defendant’s usage of the Plaintiff’s software, 171 incident reports had been logged with the 111 [26]-[33] of Mr Xxxxxxxxx’s AEIC.
Accordingly, we modified the condition and the final condition appears in Appendix C, Final Back Office System Condition 26.
I felt as if the Plaintiff had used the Defendant as guinea pigs insofar as the PME and Back Office System was concerned … [N]o other exchange had been using this system when the Plaintiff offered it to us.
FairPoint requested that we establish criteria which will assure that compensation is paid only for claims with “significant merit.” Accordingly, we modified Condition VI-B-4 to require a showing by the CLEC that it, in fact, “incurred substantial costs.” The final condition appears in Appendix C, Final Back Office System Condition No. 25.