Balancing Service definition
Examples of Balancing Service in a sentence
Variable Energy Resource Balancing Service is required to help maintain the power system frequency at 60 Hz and to conform to NERC and WECC reliability standards.
This rate is applicable to customers taking Balancing Service that commit to receive BPA’s 30-minute signal for each 15-minute schedule period (30/15 committed scheduling) and submit schedules that are consistent with the signal or that result in less imbalance for the scheduling period.
This rate is applicable to customers taking Balancing Service that commit to receive BPA’s 30-minute signal for each 60-minute schedule period (30/60 committed scheduling) and submit schedules that are consistent with the signal or that result in less imbalance for the scheduling period.
Customer’s TPS must demonstrate that it possesses Comparable Capacity or Standby Balancing Service sufficient to provide their Customers’ Unadjusted Average Daily Delivery Quantity, as defined under the TPS Service Classification, during the months of November through March.
Variable Energy Resource Balancing Service (“VERBS” or “Balancing Service”) is comprised of three components: regulating reserves (which compensate for moment-to-moment differences between generation and load), following reserves (which compensate for larger differences occurring over longer periods of time during the hour), and imbalance reserves (which compensate for differences between the generator’s schedule and the actual generation during an hour).