Base of operations definition

Base of operations means the primary physical location where an outfitter receives mail and
Base of operations means the principal location and physical structure (i.e. building), having a street address, city and zip code, from which ambulances and/or personnel operate to provide ambulance service within a service area.
Base of operations means the primary physical location where an outfitter receives mail and telephone calls, conducts regular daily business, and bases livestock, equipment, and staff during the hunting season.

Examples of Base of operations in a sentence

  • Base of operations means the place wherethe employee is not continuously located, but from which the employee customarily starts out to perform his or herfunctions within or outside the MCTD.

  • Base of operations (primary or other) for rafting/boat trips and fishing guide operations, raft and boat rental, snowmobile tours, mountain bike tours, horseback trail rides and pack trips.

  • Base - means a geographical location designated by the Company as a Base of operations.

  • Laundry and valet expenses are not authorized when you are away from your Home Base of operations for a period of five (5) calendar days or less.

  • Hence if the bidder is willing to set up Base of operations at any of the above ALG/Airport they shall obtain necessary permission for setting up of the same from the concerned owner or they (bidder) may operate from Airports in the state of Assam as per their convenience with consent of Government of Arunachal Pradesh.

More Definitions of Base of operations

Base of operations means the place of more or less permanent nature from which the employee starts work and to which the employee customarily returns in order to receive instructions from the taxpayer or communications from customers or other persons, or to replenish stock or other materials, repair equipment, or perform any other function necessary to the exercise of his trade or profession at some other point or points.
Base of operations means the site or sites at which the air ambulance(s) and crew are located for the air ambulance service.
Base of operations means the site of more or less permanent nature from which the employee starts work and to which the employee customarily returns in order to:
Base of operations means a licensed facility in Maryland that is used by the owner or operator of a mobile food service facility for food storage, potable water, safe disposal of waste and sewage, and, if necessary, utensil washing.
Base of operations means an actual, physical and permanent place of business used by a Taxpayer to conduct significant business activities. There is a basic presumption that a business must exist somewhere and cannot exist without any base of operations. A taxpayer with a single location is deemed to have a base of operations at that location. A taxpayer claiming that a location is not a base of operations must demonstrate that another location functions as a base of operations. A taxpayer claiming multiple business locations has the burden of proof to demonstrate that any given location constitutes a base of operations as defined herein.
Base of operations means the primary location at which administration of the service occurs and where records are maintained. All service providers must designate one Base of Operations location within the State of Georgia.
Base of operations means a licensed and approved catering establishment, restaurant, commercial kitchen, or other approved place in which food, containers or supplies are kept, handled, prepared, packaged or stored, located within Chatham County, and which has also obtained approval from the Chatham County health department.