Base of operations definition
Examples of Base of operations in a sentence
Base of operations means the place wherethe employee is not continuously located, but from which the employee customarily starts out to perform his or herfunctions within or outside the MCTD.
Base of operations (primary or other) for rafting/boat trips and fishing guide operations, raft and boat rental, snowmobile tours, mountain bike tours, horseback trail rides and pack trips.
Base - means a geographical location designated by the Company as a Base of operations.
Laundry and valet expenses are not authorized when you are away from your Home Base of operations for a period of five (5) calendar days or less.
Hence if the bidder is willing to set up Base of operations at any of the above ALG/Airport they shall obtain necessary permission for setting up of the same from the concerned owner or they (bidder) may operate from Airports in the state of Assam as per their convenience with consent of Government of Arunachal Pradesh.