Legal Domicile Sample Clauses

Legal Domicile. The Parties agree to choose the registrar’s office of South Jakarta District Court as their permanent legal domicile.
Legal Domicile. The place of the property shall be considered as the legal domicile for disputes arising from this agreement. This legal domicile clause shall apply irrevocably even after the expiry of the term of agreement.
Legal Domicile. For all the purposes of this CONTRACT the PURCHASER elects his legal domicile at his registered office in Czech Xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx 0000/00, 000 00 Xxxxx 0 and the CONTRACTOR at his registered office in The Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 00, Wemeldinge.
Legal Domicile. The Credit Customer and the Guarantor/Guarantors hereby acknowledge and declare that for the notices and correspondences required or permitted to be sent by the Bank to them in the course of implementation of this Agreement, their addresses given below beside their names and signatures or their addresses included in the Address Registration System of the Interior Ministry, Public Census and Citizenship Affairs General Directorate are their Legal Notice Addresses, and that all and any notices to be delivered to such addresses will be deemed to have been validly and duly served on them, and that they are under obligation to inform the Bank via a notary public about any change in such addresses and about their new address within no later than 15 days following the date of change, and accordingly that if they fail to advise the change of address to the Bank within said period of time, all kinds of notices and correspondences to be delivered to their former addresses will be deemed valid. The provisions of this Consumer Credit Agreement shall be valid and enforceable also on disputes that may arise out of or in connection with the documents and contracts attached to this Agreement.
Legal Domicile. For the execution of the present contract, the parties take domicile at the landlord's or this representative's address which are indicated in the special conditions. In case of trouble, the tribunal will be the one under which are located the premises.
Legal Domicile. For the purpose of this Agreement, the Guarantor hereby chooses the Clerk's Office of the District Court in Central Jakarta (Kantxx Xxxitera Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat) as its legal and permanent domicile. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore mentioned the Guarantor agrees that Grahxx-Xxxld may, in its absolute discretion, submit any dispute which may arise in connection with this Agreement to any other District Court of Jakarta or to the District Court having jurisdiction over the Guarantor or elsewhere. ------------------------ IWAN DEWONO BUDIYUWONO ------------------------------- GRAHXX-XXXLD HEALTH PRODUCTS, INC. Lara X. Xxxxx xxxer Power of Attorney SCHEDULE FOUR SPOUSAL CONSENT I, Ellyanawati, the legal spouse of JOPPX XXXXXXXX XXXARA, do hereby give my consent to my husband, to enter into and bind himself to various agreements including, but not limited to the agreements and documents herein below mentioned, with GRAHXX-XXXLD HEALTH PRODUCTS, INC., a company duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, with regard to his shareholding in the authorized capital of PT. DHARMA POLIMETAL, a limited liability company established pursuant to the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. The agreements to be signed by my husband include, but are not limited to:
Legal Domicile. The Credit Customer and the Guarantor/Guarantors hereby acknowledge and declare that for the notices and correspondences required or permitted to be sent by the Bank to them in the course of implementation of this Agreement, their addresses given below beside their names and signatures or their addresses included in the Address Registration System of the Interior Ministry, Public Census and Citizenship Affairs General Directorate are their Legal Notice Addresses, and that all and any notices to be delivered to such addresses will be deemed to have been validly and duly served on them, and that they are under obligation to inform the Bank via a notary public about any change in such addresses and about their new address Kredili Müşteri, işbu sözleşmeden doğan uyuşmazlıklarla ilgili olarak, Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun düzenlemeleri kapsamında Tüketici Hakem Heyetlerine ve Tüketici Mahkemelerine başvuruda bulunma hakkına sahiptir. Kredili Müşteri, Müşteri Şikayetleri Hakem Heyetinin Oluşumu, Çalışma Esas ve Usulleri Hakkında Tebliğ düzenlemeleri kapsamında Türkiye Bankalar Birliği nezdindeki Bireysel Müşteri Hakem Heyetlerine de başvuruda bulunulabilir. Kredili Müşteri ve Kefil/Kefiller, işbu sözleşmeden doğan borçlarının tahsili hususunda BANKA’nın mahkeme ve icra dairelerinde kanuni takibat yapmak mecburiyetinde kalması halinde, bu sebeple yapılacak bütün masrafları ve anapara, faiz vesaire her türlü masraflarla birlikte borcun tutarı üzerinden Avukatlık Xxxxxx Ücret Tarifesinde belirtilen Avukatlık ücreti ve bunun gider vergisini BANKA’nın kanunen ödemek zorunda kalacağı ve borçlu/borçlulardan alınması hukuken mümkün xxxx harçlar ve giderler ve bunlarla ilgili gider vergilerini BANKA’ya ödemeyi, BANKA’nın tüm alacaklarının tahsili için rehnin paraya çevrilmesi yoluyla takip veya haciz yoluna başvurabileceğini kabul ve taahhüt ederler.
Legal Domicile. The Borrower irrevocably agrees that the Registrar Office of the District Court of Central Jakarta be the permanent and irrevocable legal domicile of the Borrower;
Legal Domicile. The Credit Customer and the Guarantor/Guarantors hereby acknowledge and declare that for the notices and correspondences required or permitted to be sent by the Bank to them in the course of implementation of this Agreement, their addresses herhangi bir nedenle (Sair kredi taleplerinin reddedildiği durumlarda dahi) üçüncü bir gerçek veya tüzel kişi ile paylaşılmasına izin verdiğini, bilgilerinin paylaşımı nedeniyle BANKA’xxx herhangi bir hak ve talepte bulunamayacağını, üçüncü kişilerle paylaşılacak bilgilerin verilmesinin şart olmadığına yönelik Kredili Müşteri’ye gerekli uyarıların Banka tarafında yapılmış olduğunu, bu kapsamda BANKA nezdindeki Kredili Müşteri’ye ait bilgilerin üçüncü kişiler ile paylaşılmasını kabul ve xxxxx xxxx.
Legal Domicile. The contract between the tenant and ACQUAMARINA INTERNATIONAL HOME is subject to iTALY law only. The legal domicile is Sanremo.