Examples of Basic scientific research in a sentence
Basic scientific research information not clearly related to the national security shall not be classified.
Basic scientific research data or unusually significant scientific findings.
Basic scientific research and applied research constitute a significant expression of this dominion of man over creation.
In Susan Wairimu – v – David Chege Mwangi [Muranga SPMCC No. 3 of 2003], a Magistrate’s court ruled that in the event of a separation where there has been a customary law marriage, the father is still has a parental responsibility for the maintenance of any children born out of that union.
Basic scientific research information not clearly related to the national security should not be classified.
These include (but are not limited to):• Interventions with limited potential to scale, and/or minimal demonstration of cost- effectiveness and impact (e.g., building schools).• Basic scientific research (e.g., laboratory research of a prototype with no field testing; pharmaceutical testing before full regulatory approvals).• Innovations on a private sector path to scale that lack a “base-of-the-pyramid” customer focus and are unlikely to lead to significant development impacts for the poor.
Basic scientific research has shed light on the cellular and molecular basis for this disease process, but many questions remain unanswered.
Outlier model – I may have misunderstood but, formally, it seems you have chosen𝑔() to depend upon 𝜇.
Basic scientific research in the field of meteorology and hydrology Article 10Basic scientific research activities in the field of meteorology and hydrology, including the development of numeric atmosphere and hydrological models, as well as research in the field of weather modification, shall be performed by scientific and research institutions, independently or in collaboration with the Office, in accordance with the law.
Basic scientific research programs, as well as other research- planning programs, are assessed and approved of by the Ministry of Education and financed on contest and contract bases.