Examples of Basic skills in a sentence
At these events, discussions will focus on:- Basic skills children should know coming in to kindergarten- The difference between young fives and kindergarten- The kindergarten curriculum- Kindergarten behavior management plan- A tour of the school- Meeting the teachers and visiting the classrooms.
Basic skills revenue consists of compensatory revenue and English learner (EL) revenue.
Basic skills courses provide instruction for individuals in elementary and secondary-level reading, writing, computation and problem-solving skills in order to assist them in achieving their academic, career, and personal goals.
MethodologyDenominator: Basic skills students attempting 60 or more contact hours during program year.
CSET The California Subject Examinations for Teachers® (CSET®) have been developed by the California Com- mission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for prospective teachers who choose to or are required to meet specific requirements for certification by taking examinations.24 The CSET program includes examinations designed to help candidates meet the following certification require- ments: » Basic skills requirement.