Beach nourishment definition

Beach nourishment means the disposal of dredged material on the beaches or in the water waterward starting at or above the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) for the purpose of adding to, replenishing, or preventing the erosion of, beach material.
Beach nourishment means the artificial replenishing of a beach by delivery of materials dredged or excavated elsewhere.
Beach nourishment means the technique of placing sand or cobble

Examples of Beach nourishment in a sentence

  • Beach nourishment projects are typically expensive and the results are temporary and often require continual nourishment.

  • Beach nourishment programs, however, represent efforts to preserve oceanfront property without damaging neighboring property or destroying the public’s use of the beach.Groins and jetties are structures built perpendicular to the shoreline.

  • REAPPROPRIATIONS 2018-19 1 For an advance by the state for shore protection projects including 2 Shinnecock Inlet, coastal erosion of Coney Island, coastal erosion 3 of Westhampton, West of Shinnecock, Orchard Beach and the local 4 costs of the Rockaway Beach nourishment Shore protection Project.

  • Beach nourishment can cause bottom organisms and habitats to be smothered by ‘turbid’ water that has sand and mud suspended in it.

  • Beach nourishment activities are on-going especially within Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties.

More Definitions of Beach nourishment

Beach nourishment means the placement of beach-quality sediment on an eroded beach to restore it as a recreational beach, provide storm protection for upland property, maintain a restored beach by the replacement of sand, or serve other similar beneficial purposes.
Beach nourishment means the maintenance of a restored beach by the replacement of sand.
Beach nourishment means the technique of placing sand or cobble fill consistent with existing beach conditions along the shoreline to widen the beach and provide a buffer against coastal erosion and wave attack.
Beach nourishment means a restoration or shoreline stabilization activity in which selected beach material is deposited at one or several locations in the updrift portion of a drift sector. The material is then naturally transported by waves or currents downdrift to stabilize or restore accretion shoreforms and other berms, which may be eroding due to artificial obstructions in the shore process corridor.
Beach nourishment means the process of replenishing a beach with material (usually sand) obtained from another location
Beach nourishment means the placement of
Beach nourishment means beach nourishment is the placement of sand at a location determined to be acceptable along the coastal profile (including underwater in the near-shore environment) to increase the recreational or habitat value of the beach or to protect the beach from erosion.