Examples of Below Rail Services in a sentence
Queensland Rail does not presently have interests in markets upstream or downstream from the Below Rail Services that are in competition with third parties in those markets and there is no expectation that it is likely to do so during the Term.
Any such investments occurring in a year will be classified Below Rail Services provided by Queensland Rail or Other Services provided by Queensland Rail on the basis of specific information for each investment and application of the general principles of this Manual.
Where material, maintenance costs for Region Specific facilities that are used for the performance of functions that relate to more than one geographic region shall be Attributed to the relevant geographic regions in accordance with an assessment of usage of that facility for the purpose of provision of Below Rail Services in the relevant geographic regions.
Land tax is to be Attributed to Above Rail Services, Below Rail Services or Other Activities pro rata on the Attributed or Allocated value of QR’s land holdings, as recorded in QR’s Fixed Asset Register, (refer paragraph
Table 3.4 summarise the procedures for separating Queensland Rail revenue into Below Rail Services provided by Queensland Rail or Other Services provided by Queensland Rail.
Telecommunications backbone assets have a primary purpose of providing train control services as part of Below Rail Services.
Separation of Below Rail Revenue Table 4.3 summarise the procedures for separating Queensland Rail revenue into Below Rail Services provided by Queensland Rail or Other Services provided by Queensland Rail.
Once Identified to business areas, these assets shall be Identified, Attributed or Allocated as Below Rail Services, Above Rail or Other Services provided by Queensland Rail in a manner consistent with the way in which that function is Identified, Attributed or Allocated to Below Rail, Above Rail or Other Services.
Members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission that are not on this meeting agenda.
Queensland Rail capital projects are assessed in terms of whether, and to what extent, the project is being undertaken for the purpose of providing Below Rail Services or Above Rail Services.