Examples of Bidding Portal in a sentence
Price bid in form of price schedule shall be uploaded by the bidder on Bidding Portal before scheduled due date and time for submission of bids.
If bids are not submitted as per the details mentioned in this RfS document and Bidding Portal, JDVVNL shall reject the bid.
A Bidder may withdraw its bid or re-submit its bid (technical and/ or financial cover) as per the instructions / procedure mentioned at Bidding Portal under the section “Bidder’s Manual Kit”, but not after bid submission end date and time.
A Bidder may withdraw its bid or re-submit its bid (technical and/ or financial cover) as per the instructions/ procedure mentioned at Bidding Portal, but not after bid submission end date and time.
I/ We have submitted the Bid in electronic form on ON-LINE mode at the Bidding Portal mentioned in the RfS document.2. [Insert this clause in case JV] I/We are submitted our Bid in form of Joint Venture, whereby M/s…………………………… is the Lead Member and Partner, M/s……………………..is the other JV Partner.