competitive bidding process definition

competitive bidding process means a competitive bidding process referred to in paragraph 12 (1) (d) of this Policy;
competitive bidding process means a competitive bidding process referred to in Regulation 12 (1) (d) of the Supply Chain Management Regulations.
competitive bidding process means a competitive bidding process referred to in paragraph 12

More Definitions of competitive bidding process

competitive bidding process means a transparent procurement method in which bids from competing contractors, suppliers or vendors are invited by openly advertising the scope, specifications, terms and conditions of the proposed contract as well as the criteria by which responsive bids received will be evaluated;
competitive bidding process means a non-discriminatory bidding process that provides for the participation of a sufficient number of undertakings and where the aid is granted on the basis of either the initial bid submitted by the bidder or a clearing price. In addition, the budget or volume related to the bidding process is a binding constraint leading to a situation where not all bidders can receive aid;
competitive bidding process means a process for procurement of goods, services or construction whereby a prescribed method is used to solicit three or more bids or proposals.
competitive bidding process means a competitive bidding process as described in this policy;
competitive bidding process means a call for supply of goods and services, the receipt of offers for supply thereof from qualifying Vendors and the evaluation of offers received;
competitive bidding process means a competitive bidding process referred to in sub- regulation 12(1)(d) of the supply chain management regulations (published under GN868 in Government Gazette 27636 30 May 2005).