Resettlement Framework or “RF” means the resettlement framework for the Investment Program, including any update thereto, agreed between the Borrower and ADB and incorporated by reference in the FFA;
Resettlement Framework means the resettlement framework prepared for the Project by the Borrower and approved by ADB;
Resettlement Framework or "RF" means the resettlement framework for the Project, including any update thereto, prepared and submitted by the Borrower through the EA and cleared by ADB;
Examples of Resettlement Framework in a sentence
A Resettlement Framework (RF) has been prepared to provide guidance in the updating the RP.
A strategy for continued consultations and participation is in the Resettlement Framework.
The land act and processes relating to the project are described in the Resettlement Framework (RF).
The contractor is required to designate an Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) supervisor to ensure implementation of EMP/ RP/EM/DDR social safeguard provisions in the Resettlement Framework and IPPF during civil works, which also have the responsibility for communication with the public under the guidance of PMU/PIU and grievance registration.
Subsequent phases may require preparation of new RPs as per approved Resettlement Framework.
More Definitions of Resettlement Framework
Resettlement Framework means the document (published and available to the public on the website, dated January 31, 2008 and revised on December 22, 2009,outlining general implementation procedure, mitigation measures and monitoring procedures for involuntary resettlement under the Project, as said framework may be amended from time to time with the Bank’s prior approval.
Resettlement Framework means the Borrower’s resettlement framework for the Project, that contains the rules and procedures for mitigating potential negative impacts in the livelihood of communities under the Project area; and
Resettlement Framework means the document, issued by the Borrower on October 15, 2001, which contains the principles and policies that shall apply to the preparation and carrying out of any action plan for the resettlement of population that may be required under any Subproject;
Resettlement Framework means the framework, dated July 23, 2007, prepared by the Participating Municipalities and set forth in the Operational Manual defining the procedures for the involuntary resettlement of population in the event it is required in connection with the works to be carried out under the Project as published and available to the public in the website:
Resettlement Framework means the Recipient’s framework, dated November 2006, agreed with the Association for the resettlement and compensation of persons affected by potential changes in land use associated with activities to be implemented under the Project, as the same may be updated from time to time with the concurrence of the Association, and such term includes any schedules to the Resettlement Framework.
Resettlement Framework means the Recipient’s framework, and each of the Eligible Municipalities’ framework, acceptable to the World Bank (included in the Environmental and Social Management Manual), which includes, inter alia, the principles and objectives governing Resettlement preparation and implementation, a description of the process for preparing and approving resettlement plans, and the applicable legal framework of the Recipient and each Eligible Municipality to address Resettlement (as said terms are defined herein).
Resettlement Framework means the resettlement framework for the Investment Program, including any update thereto, agreed between the Borrower and ADB and incorporated by reference in the FFA;