Big game means species of hoofed protected wildlife.
Ecology means the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Blackwater means wastewater contaminated by human body waste, toilet paper and any other material intended to be deposited in a receptor designed to receive urine or feces.
garden waste means organic waste which emanates from gardening or landscaping activities at residential, business or industrial premises including but not limited to grass cuttings, leaves, branches, and includes any biodegradable material and excludes waste products of animal origin and bulky waste;
Houseboat means watercraft primarily used as habitation and not used primarily as a means of transportation.
Embalmer means any person engaged in the practice of embalming.
OASIS means the Open Access Same-Time Information System required by FERC for the posting of market and transmission data on the Internet websites of PJM and NYISO.
Deloitte means Deloitte Restructuring Inc.
international waters means waters falling outside the sovereignty or jurisdiction of any State;
Winner means a person (other than the person making the supply referred to in sub-paragraph (2)) playing successfully.
slaughterhouse means an establishment used for slaughtering and dressing animals, the meat of which is intended for human consumption.
Chief Executive Office State means California, where Borrower’s chief executive office is located.
Outdoors means any location that is not “indoors” within a fully enclosed and secure structure as defined herein.
Freeboard means a factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level for purposes of floodplain management. "Freeboard" tends to compensate for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions, such as wave action, blockage of bridge or culvert openings, and the hydrological effect of urbanization of the watershed.
We/Us/Our means TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited.
Warden means the Warden In-charge of Hall of Residence VIII and includes other Wardens of the said Hall.
Professional Sports means a sport, which would remunerate a player in excess of 50% of his or her annual income as a means of their livelihood.
Oversight Board means each entity established pursuant to Section 34179.
handyman means an employee who makes minor repairs or effects renovations to buildings, fixtures and fittings and who covers ironing and pressing machines or tables with any type of material;
Allied means Allied Waste Industries, Inc., a Delaware corporation.
Casino means a casino as defined in section 1 of the KwaZulu-Natal Gaming and Betting Act, 2010 (Act No. 8 of 2010);
mariner means a person who is employed under a contract of service either as a master or member of the crew of any ship or vessel, or in any other capacity on board any ship or vessel, where—
Young adult means a person aged 18 through 20 years.
Metropolitan Region Scheme or “Scheme” has the meaning ascribed to that expression in the Scheme Act;
Parent Local Governor means the parent member of a Local Governing Body elected or appointed in accordance with Articles 54-56;