Bilateral Credit Agreement definition
Examples of Bilateral Credit Agreement in a sentence
Special Notes: -Students who successfully complete a CTE Program and meet the requirements listed in Column R 1-5 on page 1 will receive college credit listed in the INSTRUCTOR section of the Bilateral Credit Agreement.
American Red Cross – First Aid/CPR/AED Ohio Board of Nursing – State Tested Nurse Aides Nursing Assisting CTE Curriculum - ODE LINK Course Description: all Courses in the Nursing Assisting Pathway LINK Special Notes: -Students who successfully complete a CTE Program and meet the requirements listed in Column R 1-5 on page 1 will receive college credit listed in the INSTRUCTOR section of the Bilateral Credit Agreement.
American Red Cross – First Aid/CPR/AED Ohio State Dental Board - Dental Assistant Radiographer Certification Dental Assisting CTE Curriculum - ODE LINK Course Description: all Courses in the Dental Assisting Pathway LINK MDAS – removed due to accreditation rules Special Notes: -Students who successfully complete a CTE Program and meet the requirements listed in Column R 1-5 on page 1 will receive college credit listed in the INSTRUCTOR section of the Bilateral Credit Agreement.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 10 Hour General Industry TestOut PC Pro Certification TestOut Network Pro Certification TestOut Office Pro Certification Instructional Technology CTE Curriculum - ODE LINK Course Description: all Courses in the IT Pathway LINK Special Notes: -Students who successfully complete a CTE Program and meet the requirements listed in Column R 1-5 on page 1 will receive college credit listed in the INSTRUCTOR section of the Bilateral Credit Agreement.