Examples of Blind administration in a sentence
Blind administration is accomplished by using a deputy who does not know the identity of the suspect to present the lineup to the witness.
Blind administration refers to using an officer, other than the officer constructing the photographic lineup and who does not know the identity of the true suspect, to present the lineup to the eyewitness.
Madam President, I am pleased to support the amendment offered by my colleague from Mis- sissippi.
Among other recommendations, the Task Force suggested the following reforms; * Blind administration (where the lineup administrator does not know the identity of the suspect); * The issuance of cautionary instructions to the eyewitness, including the directive that the lineup administrator does not know the identity of the suspect; * Effective use of filler, or non-suspect, lineup members or photographs * The use of only one suspect per lineup procedure; and * Documentation of the line-up procedure.
Practice & Policy730m Blind administration 731m Pre-identification instructions 731m Lineup construction 732m Preventing feedback loops 732m Multiple viewings 732m Simultaneous or sequential lineups 733m Composite sketches 733m The dangers inherent in showups 734m Estimator variables 735m Cross-racial identifications 735PART VI THE PRE-TRIAL PROCESS 737CHAPTER 10prosecutIon and dIscretIon 739Introduction 739A.
Administration - The School for the Blind administration program provides fiscal and personnel management, safety, policies and procedures, and administration of statewide vision services.
Commentary for Writers: Blind administration is the only way to guarantee the absence of inadvertent influence and/or suggestiveness in the procedure, therefore preserving the integrity of eyewitness identification evidence.