Examples of Bond release in a sentence
Bond release is the same as for any other bond; however, financial guarantees are the first bond released on a surface mining permit.
Bond release information is presented in Table 5 of the Pennsylvania Annual Report.
Bond release will be contingent upon satisfactory completion of all items in Exhibit C of the approved plans, to include permanent stabilization.
Bond release means the time at which the appropriate regulatory authority returns a reclamation or performance bond based upon its determination that reclamation work has been satisfactorily completed.
Maintenance Bond release eligibility commences two years form the date of City acceptance provided that the City’s Maintenance Bond Release inspection shows no damaged, deficient, or failing items.
The Applicant will provide maintenance and replacement of landscaping, as necessary, until final Bond release, at which point the maintenance of all landscaping on each lot of the Property will be the responsibility of the individual homeowner.
Bond release would be based on meeting specific measurable objectives outlined in a monitoring plan (43 CFR 3809.401(b)(3)).
Upon release of any BOEM Bond under this Section 7.4(f), Exhibit 5C hereof shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly to reflect such BOEM Bond release.
Challenging or ambiguous data were discussed in peer debriefings until consensus was achieved on the appropriate code to assign.This step resulted in the final coding schemes for interdependence and value creation (Appendices B and C).
Bond release will be contingent upon satisfactory completion of all items in of the approved plans.